
Weather forecast valid until thursday september 14 2023, 18:00 hours

Edificia Dca 1

Weather: this evening: partly cloudy and generally dry during the overnight, early morning and tomorrow: partly cloudy with a brief shower maximum temperature 35 centigrades minimum temperature 29 centigrades heat index during and around the afternoon hours: 36 to 44 degrees celsius uv index: 12

 Temperatures are expected to be above normal during the next 24 hours. The public is asked to take the necessary precautions to avoid heat related complications. Sunset : 6:42 pm, sunrise: 6:29 am.

Wind: from east-northeast to east-southeast directions and gentle to moderate; force 3 to 4 (12 to 30 km/hr, 7 to 16 knots). during the day fresh to possibly strong in gusts; force 5 to 6 (31 to 50 km/hr, 17 to 27 knots)

Synopsis for the next 24 hours: there is currently no disturbance of importance to the local weather. a slight increase of moisture during the overnight and early morning could produce a local brief  shower at that time.

 Marine conditions/ state of the sea: on the protected sites: calm: around 1 foot. on the south sections: smooth at 2 to 3 feet. on the east to northwest coastlines: generally moderate at 4 to 5, locally 6 feet  in north- northeast swells

 Warnings/ advisories: small craft must exercise caution over the east to northwest coastal sections. special features: none  Tropical weather outlook: hurricane lee was located near 690 km south- southwest of bermuda. Lee is moving towards  the north-northwest at 15 km/hr. hurricane margot was located about 1280 km west- south west of the azores and was moving  north- northwest at 11 km/h.

 These systems are no danger to the local region. Rainfall potential for the next 24 hours:

1 to 3 mm; this can differ locally. Observed temperature (centigrade) and rainfall (mm) in the last 24 hours (8 am to 8 am):

 Airport : max 34 / min 28 / 0.0 mm westpunt: max 34 / min 28 / 0.0 mm sta rosa: max 34 / min 28 / 0.0 mm weather forecast for the upcoming 3 days: partly cloudy with a brief shower; winds will be from east directions and moderate to fresh, strong to possibly near gale force in gusts; max/ min temperatures (centigrades) will be: 34 / 28


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