
Weather forecast valid until sunday april 07 2024, 18:00 hours

Pronostico Di Tempo 16


This evening: partly cloudy and generally dry

During the overnight, early morning and tomorrow:

Partly cloudy with a possible passing shower


Maximum temperature 32 centigrades

Minimum temperature 27 centigrades

Heat index during and around the afternoon

Hours: 33 to 38 degrees celsius

Uv index: 12


Sunset : 6:51 pm

Sunrise: 6:32 am.


Wind: from east directions and moderate to fresh;

Force 4 to 5 (20 to 39 km/hr, 11 to 21 knots).

During the day strong to possibly near gale force in gusts;

Force 6 to 7 (40 to 61 km/hr, 22 to 33 knots)


Synopsis for the next 24 hours:

No major changes are expected in the current

Weather pattern. The ridge of the high pressure

System will continue to dominate the regional

Weather and maintain generally dry conditions.


Otherwise, saharan dust will make for hazy

Skies and provide air of a low quality.

People with respiratory sensitivities

Must take this into account.


Marine conditions/ state of the sea:

On the protected sites: smooth: around 1 foot.

On the south sections: slight at 1 to 2 feet.

On the east to northwest coastlines:

Generally moderate at 5 to 6 feet


Warnings/ advisories:

Operators of small vessels must exercise

Caution over the east to northwest coastal



Special features:



Rainfall potential for the next 24 hours:

Less than 1 mm; this can be locally different.


Observed temperature (centigrade) and rainfall (mm)

In the last 24 hours (8 am to 8 am):


Airport : max 32 / min 26 / 0.0 mm

Westpunt: max 32 / min 26 / 0.0 mm

Sta rosa: max 32 / min 26 / 0.0 mm


Weather forecast for the upcoming 3 days:

Partly cloudy, slightly hazy with a passing

Shower. Winds will be gentle to moderate from

The northeast to east; fresh to strong in gusts.

Max/ min temperatures (centigrades)

Will be: 32 / 26


Meteorological department aruba, saturday april 06 2024 17:00 (21:00 utc)

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