
Tourism Corporation Bonaire organizes a second successful scavenger hunt

Tcb 7217

Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) has
organized a great scavenger hunt for the second time, which has proven to be a
success for our children in connection with Tourism Month. The scavenger hunt took
place on Saturday, September 21 st , 2024, between 10 am and noon in Kralendijk.

Eight groups, each consisting of five children led by an adult, participated. Each
group had to come dressed as an animal, an assignment they had received upon
registration. The result was very creative and beautiful. The eight groups really
expressed their imagination in the outfits they wore.

The scavenger hunt went past various tourist and historical places that the children
visited, with various activities surrounding them. After the scavenger hunt, all
participants received lunch and a goody bag from TCB.

The group that scored the most points and arrived within the set time is the
scavenger hunt winner. There is a third prize, a second prize, and the first prize is for
the absolute winner of the scavenger hunt. There is also a prize for the most creative
outfit. The awards ceremony will take place during the Taste of Bonaire on Saturday,
September 28 th , when Tourism Month ends.

1 Tcb71624 Tcb 71965 Tcb 72022 Tcb71723 Tcb7192Tcb6 Tcb 7210

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