
Tourism Corporation Bonaire is in the process of creating a new website


Aktualmente Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) ta trahando riba un wèpsait nobo ku segun ekspektativa nan ta bai lansa den e di tres kuartal di 2022.


Manera a menshoná durante e ‘Kick-off Marketing Week’, TCB ta okupando su mes ku kreashon di un wèpsait nobo di Boneiru ku na e momentu akí ta den fase di desaroyo di kontenido.

Pa por disponé di informashon mas aktual i mas eksakto, TCB ta manda un petishon pa informashon pa tur partner ku ta menshoná riba e wèpsait aktual òf nò. Partnernan ku aktualmente no ta menshoná riba e wèpsait, pero ku sí ke aparesé riba esaki òf partnernan ku no a risibí e email, por manda un email na:



Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) is currently in the process of creating a new website that is set to launch in Q3 2022.

As mentioned during the Kick-off Marketing Week, TCB has been working on creating the new Bonaire website, which is currently in the content development phase.

To have the most up to date and accurate information, TCB is sending out this request for information announcement to all partners that are listed or not listed on the current website. Partners who are currently not listed and would like to be listed on the website or partners who didn’t receive the email, please send an email to:

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