
Today, Bonaire sees and is also aware of the struggle of James Finies, leader of the movement We Want Bonaire Back

Awe Boneiro Ta Mira Y Tam As Consiente Riba E Lucha Di James Finies Lider Di E Movement Nos Kier Boneiru Bek

I’m Davika Bissessar, a Boninarian who loves my island of Bonaire which I call home, and I also love and believe strongly in my Boninarian people first and foremost. What I’m going to say has nothing to do with negative attacks or personal situations in June. The man I speak to knows whom I speak about.

I learned about it through the radio program Voice of Bonaire, which is hosted and produced by Norwin Willem propaganda for the (Solidarity Demonstration) this Friday 12th of May which is against Discrimination, inequality and for all to unite to achieve children’s social and rights human.

I understand that Daisy Coffie is also part of this protest where Norwin Willem said the demonstration had nothing to do with politics. I also wanted to ask why the politicization of the demonstration when it is the politicians who have dragged the people of Bonaire into the problems we all want to protest against. Today?

Why do you want to rise up today to demonstrate strongly against the Netherlands to show that we do not accept everything these abuses where our politicians have handed Bonaire over to the Dutch and said Why can’t we make decisions for ourselves?

These are the words and intentions at the beginning of the direct deed signed by 101010. Between Ramóncito Booi and Jopie Abraham is peace and rest. Once again Norwin Willem himself is one of those who encourages to go out to protest strongly against various points, that the movement We Want Backbone has also been fighting for for many years now, but several people have gone against the movement and said that James Finies leader of the movement We Want Backbone is talking about people crazy or even negative, whereas today here we want to do exactly what James Finies has been doing for a long time now against all that is abuse, injustice, discrimination, violating our rights, freedom and our opportunity to stop it
The people of Bonaire have developed stable settlements on their home island of Bonaire.

What many people still don’t understand very well after James Finies tries to It means that we can keep trying everything with the Netherlands, like voting, even asking for But the Netherlands is showing quietly that things are not going our way.
We want and think, but whatever he says and decides, that happens or happens to us.

I keep wondering how you can go and claim your rights and freedom from the Dutch colonists We are being brutally raped and our rights and freedoms are being taken away more clearly than ever 101010 as of today?

Our politics allowed us in every way that angels and people gave us rights and freedoms in the hands of the Netherlands and also let the Netherlands take them away from us and it signing an agreement to anchor us further in the Netherlands and to let them decide for us how they are Getting it is good.

I believe more strongly in the movement to get back faster than any other movement. like voting and protests, because I find that we have to address the United Nations to put us first on the list of non-self-government and deal with it on a level higher justice for our rights and freedoms so that we can make our own decisions and govern ourselves in Our own home is Bonaire.

We have to realize that what we are trying to do is directly against or with the Netherlands manage our rights and freedoms on our island, that the Netherlands will not allow completely because he thinks he’s losing a lot of the money he’s making and even follows wheel and deal his way with this island.

That’s why we were given and associated with names like Bijzonder Gemeente Van Nederland, Caribisch Nederland (Dutch Caribbean) We can also see on the internet today how they are changing the name and flag of Bonaire with Dutch encouragement.

My final strong message to our community is, if we want to bring about the good change that we are all fighting for once and for all, we need to pull the bull by the tail and not the tail. In other words, we need to support the fight to bring back the light and reach out to the United Nations before we try any other kind of thing especially voting and protests. For I do not see a future world in which we have not been given an equal rank in the eyes of God.

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