
The International Committee of Carnival came to present a newly released book

Pap Comitee Internacional Di Carnaval A Bin Pa Presenta Un Buki Cu A Caba Di Subi Mercado 2

Minister of Tourism and Public Health Mr. Dangui Oduber together with his colleague Minister of Finance and Culture Sr. Xiomara Maduro received the representatives of the FECC (International Carnival Committee) who came to present a newly released book, written by Vanja Vlajić-Oduber in happy memory.

The book “Carnival Pope” is about the life and adventures of dfm. Henry van der Kroon is the founder and former international president of FECC. A book Vanja was working on was completed during her battle with cancer, which she also lost in 2018.

After Vanja sufayecimento decided to let someone else take over publishing the book and in that world had faced a pandemic that delayed the publishing process again. In 2022, the book was finally published and is now on the market in 2023.

Vanja was born in Yugoslavia, now Serbia in 1959. After completing her studies and working as a reporter, Vanja came to Aruba in 1989 to raise her family. In Aruba Vanja worked as Chief Editor for the newspaper Aruba Today.

Vanja was known for writing several carnival-themed columns during his career. He knew to do a study on the history, tradition and culture of our carnival that resulted in the first book “Aruba Carnival” published in 1996. Vanja is also the author behind the well-known carnival magazine Aruba Bacchanal that still exists today.

For Minister Oduber it was an honor to receive this book written by a person who has done so much, creating knowledge materials for the benefit of our greatest cultural heritage which is Carnival.

Pap Comitee Internacional Di Carnaval A Bin Pa Presenta Un Buki Cu A Caba Di Subi MercadoPap Comitee Internacional Di Carnaval A Bin Pa Presenta Un Buki Cu A Caba Di Subi Mercado 1

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