
Several politicians who don’t want to fight for their country are dying to sell Aruba to the Netherlands

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The Dutch General Control Chamber found that the RFT did not work and in Aruba there are some people begging on their knees to come withthe RAFT

As Secretary General of the MEP Party, I am deeply indignant at the cheap politics of certain parliamentarians and political parties. There are some who are dying to sell Aruba to the Netherlands and even some committed press let them be used as a condom. Before your decision to surrender and give Aruba to the Netherlands through a Kingdom Law that did not work in Curaçao nor Sint Maarten, says a lot about you as a surrenderer.

Curaçao since 10-10-10 has a non-functioning RFT: Since 10 October 2010, both Curaçao and St Maarten have been granted their Status Aparte, which is a different status apart from the one that Betico Croes fought for with the support of the people of Aruba as a whole. The Netherlands paid off much of Curaçao and Sint Maarten’s debts and took over part of the debts. Thus the Netherlands paid for the Netherlands Antilles 1.539.348.403 florin and to Curaçao 1,894,555,638 florin or 3.5 BILLION or 3.500 MILLION florins to the debts in exchange, Curaçao and Sint Maarten will agree with the Kingdom Law RFT to have financial supervision over the islands. 

This information can be found again in the publication of the Official Gazette of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of the year 2010 # 354. In the report of the  Dutch General Control Chamber an audit 2019 Kingdom Relation (IV) and Bes-Funds (H) can be noted that the Dutch General Control Chamber criticized the RFT, namely the Kingdom Law saying that it did not work. Textually: “On 10 October 2010 the Netherlands has overtaken a large part of the debt of Curaçao and Sint-Maarten, so that these countries can start to make a healthy financial start in a Renewal Position. 

To prevent repitition, are temporary supervision instruction is set up. These instructions are ineffective. Appointments by the Rijks-ministerraad have not led to budgets meeting agreed standards or to a substantial improvement in the quality of financial management. Also, two reports from unemployed evaluation committees were limited to the realization of the improvements. An essential other approach is nudity.  

Recommendation of the Algemene Rekenkamer Netherlands to the Minister of BZK on the fact that the Rijkswet in

Curaçao did not work: “We urge the Minister of Finance to investigate under what conditions an integral approach aimed at the promotion of economic growth, a managed budget policy and a sound financial management can succeed”.

So on something that did NOT work in Curaçao today Mansur, Marisol, Gerlien, Ryçond, Gunn together with some bought press, want to ask the Netherlands to introduce this to Aruba at any cost. We’re not afraid of supervision and we’re willing to come up with something that works and for that you have to be willing to negotiate fairly with the Netherlands and not just raise the Dutch’s passport. Not only the figures, but also the operational aspects will help Aruba truly become an island with a small-scale economy. In Curaçao the pandemic has even stunted economic growth.

So let’s learn from the past mistakes of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and together work on a model that IS works where both the Netherlands can have its supervision, but Aruba as a country can also be developed where every citizen can be part of this development and can feel it even in his wallet. Politics is an art and politics is not for everyone, certainly not for those mentioned above. Together we will succeed! So says MEP Secretary General Endy Croes in his communiqué

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