
SER ta publiká estudio riba un posibel maneho di inovashon basá riba mishonnan konkreto pa Kòrsou


Djabièrnè dia 26 di novèmber último Konseho Sosial Ekonómiko (SER), ku ta e órgano di konseho i konsulta tripartit, a hasi entregá na Gobièrnu i Parlamento di un estudio ku e la kondusí na e posibilidat di introdusí un maneho di inovashon basá riba mishonnan konkreto (‘missiegedreven innovatiebeleid’) ku por komplementá, di un forma signifikativo, e reformanan struktural manera akordá den e pakete di pais Kòrsou (Landspakket). E konsepto di un maneho di inovashon basá riba mishonnan konkreto no ta unu nobo. E ta ser apliká na Union Europeo riba un nivel agregá i tambe den e estadonan miembro di Union Europeo, manera entre otro Hulanda.

E último estudio aki di SER ta kontené un análisis ekstenso, formulá konhuntamente pa representantenan di organisashonnan di dunadónan di trabou, trahadónan i miembronan independiente, riba e nesesidat di vinkulá maneho di inovashon na Kòrsou na desafionan sosial manera kambio klimatológiko, embehesimentu, oumento di desempleo, delinkuensia riba internèt, mobilidat sostenibel, suministro di alimento (inkluso insiguridat alimentisio i balor abou di nutrishon) i e problema di agotamentu (burn out).

Sigun SER, COVID-19 a revelá ku e sistema ekonómiko tradishonal, impulsá eksklusivamente pa efisiensia i ekonomianan di eskala, no a demostrá di ta unu resiliente. Pa e motibu ei e gritu pa mas resiliensa; un término ku ta ser uzá tambe den e pakete di pais komo ophetivo prinsipal na kua Kòrsou mester yega na dje. E pandemia mundial tambe a oumentá e konsenshi ku e ‘bien komun’ no ta un responsabilidat eksklusivo di gobièrnu so, sino tambe di empresarionan, empleadonan, mundu sientífiko i siudadanonan komun. Riba nivel mundial por opservá un transishon ku ta tumando lugá ku ta ser denominá komo ‘prosperidat amplio’, kaminda produktividat, inklushon i kondishonnan di bida ta bai man den man.

Un maneho di inovashon enfoká riba mishonnan konkreto ta impliká ku mester establesé un direkshon basá riba temanan ku tin relevansia sosial amplio. E strategia di e maneho aki ta unu ku ta challenge oriented, pues netamente dirigí pa atendé ku desafionan sosial. E no ta representá un lista di sektornan ekonómiko ku mester di un impulso pa asina ei generá mas ingreso. Lo ke ta pará sentral den e maneho di inovashon aki ta ku mester identifiká temanan spesífiko pa por atendé di un forma diligente i efektivo ku desafionan den nos sosiedat. Sigun SER un maneho asina ei pa Kòrsou lo mester inkluí mishonnan bon definí, manera, en todo kaso, un medio ambiente limpi i sano, inovashonnan responsabel i kumplimentu ku nesesidatnan básiko di nos komunidat manera akseso na awa limpi, na alimentashon sano, bibienda, na servisionan energétiko pagabel i na un edukashon/formashon na nivel. E mishonnan aki ta interkonektá ku otro. Por lo tantu ta rekerí ku e maneho di inovashon mester ta unu ku ta atendé ku nan konhuntamente pa por garantisá un kresementu i un desaroyo sostenibel i resiliente. Kòrsou mester establesé su propio temanan ku e kier alkansá pa futuro (pa 2030 i despues). Komo kuadro di referensia por wak Hulanda kaminda, den konteksto di e maneho di inovashon, a focus riba e siguiente mishonnan: 1. transishon energétiko; 2. sostenebilidat den sektor di agrikultura, awa i alimentashon; 3. salú di siudadanonan i 4. seguridat.

Den su estudio SER ta konkluí ku un maneho di inovashon ku ta enfoká riba mishonnan konkreto lo por ta relevante pa Kòrsou pa asina ei e pais por establesé un rumbo kla pa e próksimo dékadanan. Esaki sinembargo lo no por ta posibel sin un apoyo amplio di parti di gobièrnu, empresarionan, trahadónan, mundu sientífiko, i sosiedat sivil. Pa krea e apoyo aki ta un kuestion di konfiansa den e poder atministrativo i un kompromiso di tur aktor envolví pa logra resultadonan efektivo.

E estudio ta riba wèpsait di SER (




SER Curaçao releases study on a mission-driven innovation policy for Curaçao


On November 26, 2021, the Social and Economic Council (SER) of Curaçao issued an exploration to the government and parliament on the possibilities of introducing a mission-driven innovation policy that could be a meaningful complement to the Country Package (Landspakket) for Curaçao. The principle of a mission-driven innovation policy is not new. It is applied within the European Union at an aggregate level as well as in  individual member states, including the Netherlands.

This latest SER-exploration contains a joint analysis by employers’ and employees’ organizations and independent members regarding the need to link innovation policies in Curaçao to societal challenges such as climate change, population ageing, increasing unemployment, internet crime, sustainable mobility, food supply (including food insecurity and low nutritional value), obesity and burnout.

According to the SER, COVID-19 has revealed that an economic system driven purely by efficiency and supported by economies of scale is not resilient. Hence the call for resilience, a term that recurs in the Country Package. The global pandemic has also increased the awareness that the public interest is no longer exclusively the responsibility of the government, but also of entrepreneurs, employees, the scientific community and citizens. There seems to be a global transition towards what is called ‘broad prosperity’, where productivity, inclusiveness and living conditions go hand in hand.

A mission-driven innovation policy involves setting a direction based on themes that have broad social relevance. The strategy in this policy is ‘challenge oriented’ and no longer represents a list of sectors. What matters is that specific themes around societal challenges are identified. According to the SER, the guiding principle of a mission-driven innovation policy for Curaçao  should be that aspects such as a clean environment, clean growth, responsible innovation, and basic needs such as water, food, housing, energy, health and education are not approached in isolation, but rather connected within a context that provides a clear direction for sustainable and resilient growth and development. Curaçao will now have to establish its own themes that will guide the future (2030 and beyond) of the country, although the themes chosen in the Netherlands around Energy transition and sustainability – Agriculture, water, food – Health and care – Security, do not sound strange to the Curaçao context.


In this exploration, the SER concludes that elaborating a mission-driven innovation policy around relevant societal themes can be a strong asset to set a clear course for the next decade. This cannot be done without broad support and symbiosis between government, businesses, science, and civil society (a ‘quadruple helix’ approach). Creating this support is a matter of trust, with space and time for each stakeholder, but also in the full knowledge of the need for administrative capability and commitment to achieve effective results.

The exploration can be found on the website of the SER (

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