
Samenwerkingsovereenkomst voor pilotprojecten from the library to the school undertekent with OLB

Ondertekenmoment Pilotproject

Scholen San Luis Betran, SchoolAmplio Papa Cornes in kinderopvang Tia Sus have on 18 April 2023 een samenwerkingsovereenkomst ondertekend met OLB voor de start van pilotproject from Bibliotheek op School in Boekstart. The project is being implemented in the Netherlands and the Netherlands. This pilot project received structural support from the Open Library Bonaire. As part of this support, reading consultants help, for example, learners with reading and information skills. It is also helpful to choose from a well-built library at the school with an attractive book collection in an automated reading system that allows children to read books at home. Through the digital catalogue, eight titles are reserved by the Open Library Bonaire. From this pilot project are both staff from both schools, kinderopvang in de Openbare Bibliotheek Bonaire opgeleid as leescoördinator and leesconsulent. 

Bonaire will start in 2023 and 2024 using an incentive grant for the pilot project BoekStart. The incentive subsidy is a subsidy that comes from the “Basic Skills Master Plan” of Minister Wiersma van primair onderwijs en voortgezet onderwijs en Staatssecretaris Uslu van Cultuur. 

All primary schools, which continue education in 12 kindergartens, are subsidized by providing an attractive library on their own site. The pilot project is the precursor to several projects that have been facilitated with these subsidies. 

Over the past two years, various measures have been taken to ensure that the library provision of Bonaire is not under a higher plan. The introduction of the reading promotion program BoekStart in de kinderopvang in de Bibliotheek op school is hier een voorbeeld van. The two projects Bibliotheek op School en Boekstart slaan het onderwijs, the Open Library Bonaire en het Open Lichaam Bonaire (OLB) were put together. Through these partnerships, there is daily more attention for reading pleasure in media education in schools and in the home environment of learners. 

Children and young people are being encouraged to read more and learn better about the internet, social media and video games. Because children can read well in vernacular or informative texts, they can better understand the optional language in further development. In addition, it is also very important for children and teenagers to help each other better understand each other. Children can learn to live together.

Ondertekenmoment Pilotproject 2

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