
Saba Executive Council divides portfolios

Commissioners Eviton Heyliger And Bruce Zagers Close Up...

The Executive Council on Thursday, March 30, decided upon the division of the portfolios. 

Commissioner Bruce Zagers will have in his portfolio: General Affairs; Finance and Economic Affairs; Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries; Planning and Infrastructure; Public Works; Constitutional Affairs; Tourism; Water; Harbor; Airport; Nature and Environment; Sanitation and Waste Management; Saba Electric Company (SEC).

Commissioner Eviton Heyliger will have in his portfolio: Education; Community Development; Social and Labor Affairs; Social Housing; Health and Hygiene; Culture and Sports; Archives; Youth Affairs; Gender Affairs; Cadaster; EU Funds; Saba Telephone Company (SATEL).

Island Governor Jonathan Johnson will be over the Census; Personnel Affairs and the Government Organization; Disaster management; Protocol; Public Safety; Communications; Digitalization and IT. 

The division of the portfolios took place the day after the appointment of the new commissioners and the start of the new governing period 2023-2027.

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