
Red Cross Aruba will be back in carnival 70

Red Cross Aruba Lo Ta Bek Den Carnaval 70

Things are still going well for Aruba’s Carnival 70. SMAC met with Red Cross Aruba recently and reached out to speakers for Aruba’s Carnival 70.

After meeting with President of the Aruba Red Cross, Mr. Luis Oduber and Sr. Indra Pereira reached a definitive agreement that SMAC will use Red Cross Aruba’s services for carnival parades and events in 2024.

Aruba’s Carnival 70 countdown continues and today is July 11, we are 4 months away from 11-11 which is the pre-amble to Carnival 2024. Be aware that we will continue to inform the people of Carnavalesco every month, what we have in stock.

Red Cross Aruba Lo Ta Bek Den Carnaval 70 1

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1 comment

Red Cross Aruba will be back in carnival 70 - Notisia 365 July 11, 2023 at 1:41 pm

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