
Prome Minister ta orguyoso di e trabou grandi cu Universidad di Aruba ta bin ta haciendo den educa nos futuro generacion

The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 7

Diaranson anochi, Prome Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes tabata presente na e 

“Student Award Ceremony” cu a tuma luga na Universidad di Aruba (UA). Durante e ceremonia aki, UA a duna reconocemento na diferente studiante cu di un of otro forma a sa di sobre sali durante e aña academico. 

A duna e “Student Thesis Award”, na e studiante cu e miho tesis. Esaki ta un tradicion di mas di 20 aña, pa reconoce e esfuerso y dedicacion cu e studiante ta pone den su estudio. Tambe a duna e “Student Ambassador Award” na e studiantenan cu durante nan aña academico a demostra nan esfuerso, nan habilidad pa yuda y ta un lider, y pa nan colaboracion. 

Prome Minister a indica, cu durante e ceremonia aki, nan tabata tin e oportunidad di skucha varios di e tesisnan, y tambe con e studiante ta envolve nan mes den nan estudio, pero tambe den nan bida como studiante. 

E tabata un anochi sumamente bunita y inspirativo, na unda e mayornan presente, tambe por a gosa, cu hopi orguyo di mira e empeño di nan yiu pa bay dilanti, y e resultado positivo di nan sacrificio. 

“Mi ta felicita tur studiante cu a wordo reconoci riba e anochi special aki, y cu ohala, esaki ta un di e tantisimo logronan cu tin pa bin ainda. Tambe mi ta gradici, Universidad di Aruba, tur docente y mayor pa nan esfuerso y dedicacion pa cu educacion di nos yiunan. E lema ta bisa; You achieve, University of Aruba achieves, and Aruba achieves, y awe ami ta hopi orguyoso di nos universidad” Prome Minister a expresa. 

The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 1The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 6The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 11The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 4The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work 3The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 2The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 9The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 5The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 8The Prime Minister Is Proud Of The Great Work That 10

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