
Press Day celebration with attention to the past of slavery in Bonaire

Pap Celebracion Dia Di Prensa Cu Atencion Pa Conmemoracion Pasado Di Sclavitud

As guardians of democracy, the press plays a crucial role in our society. The 1st of September is Press Day and the time to express our gratitude to the press. This year’s celebration focuses on the history of slavery. At the invitation of the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN), the Netherlands’ national broadcaster. Roland Colastica presented his art “ Verlangen “  (Desire).

Roland Colastica is a writer, author and lecturer from Curaçao. He uses theatre to build a bridge between two worlds that are very different, but also very similar to each other. Because although the physical distance between the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom is great, the mind does not know the distance.

Verlangen (Desire) deals with the effects of the past of slavery today. Through narration, song, and performance, the visitor is transported into the world of the thoughts and feelings of a man who has experienced the pain of slavery and what it has done and still does to him.

The play originated from Colastica’s own work, oral tradition and literature and deals with the desire to be free, the desire to be equal and the desire to have the same material possibilities as white people. For slaves also had dreams, and the only things their masters could not take away from them were these dreams. In its presentation, in addition to desire, it also deals with trust, honesty, equality, and equity.

The presentation was followed by a dialogue with the press. The presentation left an impression, gave much to think about, and required self-reflection. And this is the reason why the RCN’s communication department chose this presentation. Provide more information and insight into the world of human thought and feeling that has been marked in one way or another by the past of slavery. To use this information to engage in dialogue with each other about the past of slavery with an open mind to each other’s opinions and ideas.

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