
Possibility for interested organizations to organize Carnival 2024

Pap Posibilidad Pa Organisacionnan Interesa Organisa Carnaval 2024

Section of Culture, Art and Literature (SKAL) of public entity Boneiro opened possibility for interested organizations to submit their petition and/or proposal to Carnival 2024 and related activities.

Recently, the organization Clave announced that they are no longer available for organizing.

activities related to carnival in Bonaire. Individuals, organizations, or commissions interested in organizing Carnival 2024 can send their petition to SKAL. This may be after they have registered it at the Post and Archives Department on Calle Grandi. The petition can be submitted no later than September 30, 2023.

When we talk about Carnival activities, we refer to the opening of

The carnival was burned by King Momo. So it’s also about elections,

Tombs, parades, jump up and jump in. After the registration is closed, SKAL will meet in person with representatives of all the groups that have submitted applications. When this occurs, the public entity Bonaire makes a selection of which groups will be commissioned to organize the Carnival of Bonaire next year.

There is a possibility that starting with Carnival 2024, it could be possible to work with more than an organization. Given the popularity of Carnival in Bonaire, it would be good for groups that have submitted a petition to SKAL, to also present a longer-term plan.

It is important to keep in mind the period in which the inscription closes so there will be enough time for the preparations that must take place. For more information, please contact Mrs. Rina Saragoza at SKAL at +599-715 5323. After September 30, 2023, incoming requests will not be processed. SKAL counts on the support and cooperation of one and all who want to contribute to the growth of the carnival of Bonaire.

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