
Party leader MEP Evelyn Wever-Croes: I have every confidence that tevreden parliamentarians will be able to fully exercise their functions

Party Leader Mep Evelyn Wever Croes .3

“With his character, he will know how to keep the team together for the good of the country of Aruba”

Party leader Evelyn Wever-Croes announced the appointment of Parliamentarian Hendrik Tevreden as the new leader of the MEP faction in Parliament. Mr. Tevreden has a slightly different character from the outgoing faction leader, Ms. Shailiny Tromp-Lee, but the same determination, and love to see the country progress. One positive aspect of his personality is that Hendrik is a “team player”, and this will greatly help in guiding and leading this team successfully.

“As the leader of the MEP party, I have every confidence that Hendrik will do a good job for the party, will know how to keep the team united, so that the MEP party can continue to move forward, working for the good of the country Aruba. I wish Hendrik all kinds of success, much wisdom and patience to be able to fulfill all the responsibilities that the position of fraction leader brings with it” party leader Evelyn Wever-Croes expressed.

Party Leader Mep Evelyn Wever Croes 1 1Party Leader Mep Evelyn Wever CroesParty Leader Mep Evelyn Wever Croes .4

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