
Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on fraud Policy and services starts public hearings

Hul 1.1

The Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on fraud Policy and services started the public hearings on Wednesday 6 september. All hearings can be followed via the livestream on this website and the Debat Direct app.

The members of the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on fraud Policy and services sit behind a table in the inquiry room. In front of them, Dulce Gonçalves-Tavares is sitting at a table.

Public interrogation of victim Dulce Gonçalves-Tavares during the first week of interrogation.

The inquiry commission has scheduled 43 public hearings in the period from Wednesday 6 september to Thursday 5 October. The hearings are – as usual-held in the inquiry room of the House of Representatives in the Logement building, on The Square in The Hague.

Trial week
The first interrogation week will take place from Wednesday 6 september to Friday 8 september. This week provides an overview of thirty years of fraud policy in social security. Attention is paid to the most important events and crucial moments during this period. To this end, the members of the inquiry committee speak with victims, scientists, a journalist, those involved in the content and the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

View the schedule of the first interrogation week and read more about the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on fraud Policy and services on the committee page. Through this page you can review all interviews.

In-depth research

The childcare allowance affair has left deep marks in the lives of the victims. More broadly in society, trust in the government and rule of law has also been damaged. It is therefore of great importance that the committee of inquiry examines in depth how this could have happened and draws lessons for the future. In doing so, the commission hopes to be able to contribute to the restoration of trust in the government.

What is the commission investigating?
The commission of inquiry is investigating how the government fights fraud. In addition, the commission looks at what went wrong in the provision of services to citizens and whether citizens had opportunities to stand up against decisions of the government. The committee of inquiry is looking at the role of the House of Representatives and the use of discriminatory risk profiles.

Main questions
The main questions of the study are:

How can it be explained that the way in which the government fights fraud has led to inadequate provision of services and legal protection for citizens?
What role did the actors involved play in the creation and implementation of this fraud policy and what lessons can be learned so that everyone can rely on fair treatment by the government?

About the commission
Immediately after the installation on February 3, 2022, the committee of inquiry began to request written information and documents from the organizations involved. On this basis, she conducted extensive fact – finding and dossier research. In the months of March, april, May and June this year, the commission decided to hold preliminary discussions with experts and witnesses in order to obtain additional information and to test initial findings. Now that the closed preliminary discussions have been completed, the commission is focusing on the public hearings.

What is a parliamentary survey?
A parliamentary survey is the heaviest research tool that the House of Representatives has at its disposal if it wants to conduct its own research. This makes it possible to demand written information and documents from involved organizations and to hear witnesses and experts under oath. People summoned by the commission are obliged to appear.

Follow or attend live hearings
The public hearings take place in the survey room of the House of Representatives. All hearings can be followed via the live stream of the House of Representatives and the app Debat Direct. The hearings are open to the public. You can register via this form. If the public gallery is full, a listening room will be made available in the Tweede Kamer building at Prinses Irenepad 1. You can register via the regular registration form.

Hul 1

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