
Mr. dr. Ryçond R. Santos do Nascimento (AVP) : Evelyn Wever-Croes wants to celebrate the surrender of our autonomy as an achievement

Rycond Media Pics 2023 029

Aruba’s autonomy is important to fight poverty, improve employment and increase purchasing power. It is precisely the autonomy that Evelyn Wever-Croes relinquished when she signed the agreement with the Netherlands on 13 November 2020, says Parliamentarian Santos do Nascimento.

He bases himself on the fact that Wever-Croes lied about working for a stronger autonomy. He once again fooled us in his year-end speech that ₹2021 would be a better year ₹ for a stronger ₹ autonomy ₹ (see his year-end message: https://m.facebook.com/MinPresAruba/videos/185769739949688/).

Again he lies when he suggests that the onderlinge regeling serves our autonomy. What it does not say is that the primary issue is not whether there will be a Rijkswet or a ‘onderlinge regeling’; the primary issue is the Landspakket, because it is the Landspakket that expresses that the Netherlands should govern our internal affairs together with us. Therefore, both Knops and Van Huffelen confirmed that the onderlinge regeling does not change the content of the reform requirements.

Santos do Nascimento: “From the beginning AVP was against CHE/COHO and the whole way the governments of the Netherlands and Aruba treated each other. AVP stressed the need to renegotiate with the Netherlands”.

The reasons are: (1) that the authoritarian way in which the Dutch government treated Aruba during the pandemic severely damaged the trust between the Netherlands and Aruba, (2) that the structure of CHE violated the responsibility of the people of Aruba to serve their own destiny and (3) that the Dutch reform campaign misses the importance of a policy that leads to a dignified life for every citizen (existence security/bestaanszekerheid).

The parliamentary and constitutional scholar explains that the highest document in the Kingdom, the Statuut voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, stipulates that matters of the Kingdom (articles 3 and 43) are matters in which only the Kingdom’s government and the Kingdom’s legislature have the power to rule. All other matters together form our autonomy (Article 41 of the Statute).

In other words, our public finances, our economy and tourism, our medical care, education, social affairs and our justice are all internal affairs of the country of Aruba. Evelyn Wever-Croes never explains to the public that on 13 November 2020 she just handed over these matters to the Netherlands.

The Netherlands proposed a comprehensive approach to four themes: Overheading in finance, II. Economic reforms, III. Zorg en onderwijs, IV. This is a book about education. Strengthening the state The Landspakket covers each area which, according to the Statute, is an internal matter. “If Mrs. Evelyn read the agreement with the Netherlands that she signed on November 13, 2020, she would know that in 2021 Aruba will be presented with a Dutch plan that lacks the essence of our democracy and autonomy”, the parliamentarian indicates.

And it was because he read it, that he was well aware of its content and that it would not fall on good ground, that he bypassed parliament and constitution on 13 November 2020. Thanks to Raad van State we have regained some of our dignity as a people (URL: https://www.raadvanstate.nl/@123232/w04-20-0408/).

“Evelyn Wever-Croes wants to make you believe that the onderlinge regeling is a great achievement. The sad reality is that Mrs. Evelyn hides the fact that she has already given up her autonomy. Even worse, the policy anchored in the Landspakket leads Aruba on a path of measurement, oppression and poverty”, the MP concludes.

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