
More streetlights in Curacao-neighborhoods

Pronto Mas Iluminacion

The Ministry of Traffic, Transport and Urban Planning, Minister Charles Cooper recently met with Aqualectra regarding streetlights in Curacao neighborhoods. The goal of the meeting was to come up with concrete agreements to continue lighting neighborhoods, with a focus on neighborhoods where there is not enough street lighting. Streetlighting contributes greatly to the safety of the neighborhood at night.

 During the meeting, it was announced that the streetlights, as government property, will be passed through to Aqualectra. Aqualectra in turn would be able to ensure that there is enough light in stock to begin to illuminate more of the neighborhoods. For the next year, VVRP should plan which neighborhoods and areas will be addressed, and also in what sequence. VVRP must receive information from Aqualectra about the current amount of lighting in each ward. Aqualectra will draft a transfer document and a maintenance agreement for the lights. Aqualectra must coordinate the execution of the installation work according to the planning once this is approved.

We hope to see all the streets in Curacao with great illumination, thus strengthening the security of every inhabitant in the different neighborhoods of Curacao.

13 Pronto Mas Iluminacion

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More streetlights in Curacao-neighborhoods - EA News Aruba - Notisia 365 September 5, 2023 at 6:11 pm

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