
Minister Tjon started summary case: Judge refuses to hear two witnesses that Patrick and Speed wanted to present

Minister Tjon 1

Yesterday at 2.30, the Court of First Instance dealt with the summary case that Minister Roco Tjon started against Patrick Paskel and Nelson Cabral de Andrade (Speed) of Enfoque. The minister Tjon began the summary case to demand that Paskel and Speed rectify the accusations made on August 1,2,3, 2023 in Enfoque.

Lawyers mr. Reinkemeyer and mr. Ruiz represented Minister Tjon while lawyer mr. D. Kock defended Paskel and Speed.

It is understandable that the judge rejected the request of Mr. Kock to hear two witnesses in court against Minister Tjon.

Refuse to listen to 2 witnesses

Outside the courtroom sat two former police officers, who were called as witnesses on behalf of Paskel and Cabral de Andrade. In court, the judge said that he would first consider the part of Mr. Kock and then will hear two witnesses and make a decision immediately. The judge then proceeded with the case of rectification itself.

Lawyer mr. Kock told the judge that the two witnesses could provide more information. The lawyer told the judge that Paskel and Speed in Enfoque would present certain things that they have sources of information. The lawyer finds that it cannot be that before the statements, the defendant must have in writing from sources. That will cause everything to fail. The lawyer said that it would be up to the judge to hear them since the judge is not obliged to hear witnesses.

Mr. Reinkemeyer told the judge that he and Mr. Ruiz were surprised that now mr. Kock wants to come with witnesses. The lawyer told the judge that after Paskel and Speed made allegations against Minister Tjon, they asked for rectification and they did not. Now they are bringing their witnesses. The lawyer finds that mr. Kock is trying to delay the process. Mr. Ruiz said that first Paskel and Speed said they did not want to divulge their sources but now they want to bring two witnesses to show that now they do want to divulge their sources. In the opinion of mr. Ruiz, there are rules that show that the journalists must do their research correctly first. Now that they have present before the judge, they want to investigate.

The judge ruled that it was legal to hear testimony. The finds that in a summary case there is no room to hear witnesses. He rejected the petition and ordered Paskel and Speed to pay more than a thousand florins for the case.


Mr. Reinkemeyer and mr. Ruiz pointed out that Patrick and Speed on August 1, 2023 began a political attack against Minister Tjon. They said in Enfoque that when Tjon was an inspector of Police, he made himself guilty of corruption, by taking money to exchange information in the Detective’s police report. They also said that Tjon was detained and interrogated by the national detectives. According to the lawyers, Paskel and Speed said that they are aware there are pictures of Tjon’s arrest warrant. The next day, they followed up by saying that 3 police officers had been detained and that Tjon would be involved in the exchange of information. Paskel and Speed continued to broadcast and when Tjon asked for rectification, August 7, 2023, Paskel and Speed continued to broadcast, but did not rectify. Tjon himself made a statement via facebook. Lawyers find that a journalist must do proper research before publishing. They did not question Tjon about the case but reported what had been heard. Lawyers find that there is no proof of the accusations against Tjon and therefore Paskel and Speed should rectify. The lawyers said the allegation of being corrupt in the community is a very serious one. Those who listen to the program think that Tjon is corrupt, which is not the case. The lawyers insist on rectification.


Lawyer mr. Kock told the judge that based on conversations that Paskel and Speed had with Tjon’s ex-wife, they could have understood that Tjon would have been interrogated in an unfair investigation case that Paskel’s brother as a police officer and other colleagues had done at a house. They put guns at people’s heads and investigated the house. There are 3 agents who have changed the police report and there is an agent X who according to Kock is Tjon. The lawyer told the judge that 24ora had tried several times to interview Minister Tjon at the press conference, but he refused to talk to 24ora.

According to mr. Kock, Tjon lies that he was never detained and interrogated, while the Public Ministry published an article that Tjon was interrogated. The lawyer finds that according to a jurisdiction, there is freedom of the press. Mr. Kock finds that Paskel and Speed published Tjon’s reaction where he denies being detained and interrogated as a witness. He finds that Paskel and Speed complied with journalistic rules. Mr. Kock said that he could make a profound case that could lead to the hearing of witnesses but that Tjon’s side must be willing. He asked the judge not to issue a sentence for immediate rectification because there is no reason for urgency as the case is from August 2023. The lawyer also said that he finds that it is only the Enfoque has to rectify and not in writing in the Facebook

Mr. Ruiz refused to continue more profoundly with the case. He denied that Tjon does not want to talk with 24ora. He revealed that recently Tjon had an interview with 24ora.

After hearing to the lawyers, the Judge closed the case and said that on October 4, 2023 will be the sentence.

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