
Minister Maduro received Brainer Lampe, Disjonrick Jacobs and Gerald Moreta on their arrival from Maryland

Pap Minister Maduro A Ricibi Brainer Lampe 1

The Minister of Finance and Culture, representing the Minister President and the Minister of Sports, was at the Reina Beatrix International Airport to receive the team that represented our country in the full IRONMAN 140.6 in Maryland. 

This is the team consisting of Brainer Lampe, Disjonrick Jacobs and Gerald Moreta that has made history, making Aruba’s name resonate once again in one of the biggest and most popular events in the world when it comes to the sport of triathlon. The duo became the 14th in the world to participate in IRONMAN in the way they did. Without a doubt, a pride for our country and for all those who follow this fencing team, supporting them since they started a few years ago.

On this occasion, Minister Maduro expressed her gratitude to the entire team, but also to all those who support the sport. Minister Maduro herself is a fanatic of them and follows in their footsteps closely. “Thank you for believing in yourselves and thank you for believing in Aruba”, were the governor’s final words. On behalf of the Government of Aruba, Minister Maduro thanked Brainer, Disjonrick and Gerald for representing our Country with dignity in Maryland and for making our Country’s name resonate through IRONMAN and wished them all success in their future participation.

Pap Minister Maduro A Ricibi Brainer Lampe 4Pap Minister Maduro A Ricibi Brainer Lampe 5

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