
Minister Endy Croes: Prof. Llutsen de Vries presents the project for the modernization of teaching materials

Profesor Luutsen De Vries Ta Presenta E Proyecto Di Modernisacion Di Leynan Di Ensenansa 1

During the weekend of April 17-19, 2023, Professor Luutsen de Vries was in Aruba and gave a presentation at the Department of Education. Professor de Vries, is in charge of tracking the project of modernization of education laws, drafting laws that do not yet exist and writing a “Memorie van Toelichting”. In the Doorlichting Report, recommendation 11, a list of laws that are obsolete and need to be modernized is written, namely the Landsverordening Kleuteronderwijs, Landsverordering Basisonderwijs and Landsverordering Voortgezet onderwijs. The Landverordening Hoger onderwijs needs to be revised and modernized. The Landsverordering Beroeponderwijs en Wet op Toezicht (WOT) of the Inspectorate of Education has no existing law. In this context, a plan was drawn up to start drafting laws that do not yet exist, among others, LOT, which is Landsverordening Onderwijs Toezicht. This will be governed by the Inspectorate of Education which has to control the quality of education in Aruba. The law, which was drafted under the guidance of Mr. de Vries together with all stakeholders, including the Department of Education, the Inspectorate of Education and the Directie Wetgeving en Juridische Zaken (DWJZ), is clear. Both the articles of law, and the “Memorie van Toelichting”. Last week, it was presented to all stakeholders and school boards, where they also had the opportunity to provide feedback and make final adjustments based on the feedback. After this, other stakeholders from Government Departments were contacted, to send them the presentation so that they could also comment. Ministery Endy Croes indicates that they are in the final process and after receiving the presentation will work on them to start the road, officially give DWJZ, Raad van Advies and finally take to the Parliament of Aruba for approval. 

Minister Endy Croes 6Minister Endy Croes.02Profesor Luutsen De Vries Ta Presenta E Proyecto Di Modernisacion Di Leynan Di Ensenansa

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