
KPCN cycling team visible during sea festival

‘Biketeam Di Kpcn Visibel Durante Festival Riba Laman

Today, Saturday, August 5, KPCN’s cycling team will patrol various sites in Playa in connection with the festival on the sea between the bay of Karel’s beach bar and Waf Chicu Mercelina (northern bay). During the event, the cycling team is active in maintaining order. One of the great advantages of bicycles is their mobility; they can run fast and move easily in crowds, lanes, and narrow streets. Therefore, the Biketeam is ideal for patrolling during any activity with a lot of people on the street. In addition, the Dutch Caribbean Police Corps along with the Coast Guard, Customs, Koninklijke Marechaussee and the Bonaire Public Entity, which together form the Bonaire Multidisciplinary Maritime Connection Point (MMHB), will be at sea to supervise and control to ensure that the festival at sea runs smoothly and safely.

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1 comment

KPCN cycling team visible during sea festival - Notisia 365 August 5, 2023 at 8:56 pm

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