
It was an honor to stand on the balcony of the Burgermeester in Rotterdam and I felt like a true King

Orwin Riba Balcon Di Brugermeester

People came to Rotterdam to celebrate the Summer Carnival. For Orwin Gomes King of Summer Carnival the experience is unforgettable. This is the first time and it was a beautiful moment and an unforgettable experience. The warmth of the Dutch people was evident where people stood on the street corner connected with you and said hello and many people wanted to take pictures and applaud, for Orwin Gomes the energy was positive.

Although there was a lot of pressure when the Dutch goverment decided to Stop certain dance, there was some tension, but people on the street seemed to enjoy the event. It is also noted that the families explained to the children who are the new generation of what the parade is and who is the King and Queen of the parade. This is an indication that the tradition of the Summer Carnival continues in the new generations.

Although initially there was a lot of negativity where there was a restriction that certain dances could not be performed, this also gave the parade a little more light and made it bigger as the Summer Carnival. According to Orwin Gomes, he danced on the stage but also connected with the audience and danced down to exchange with the audience.

It was an unforgettable experience to be treated like a true king and queen. There was also the honor of being able to go to the stadium where the burgermeester is and where he got to know the burgermeester and stood on the highest balcony together with the mayor of Rotterdam where not everyone can get to them and certainly this part was a moment of honor to be able to stop there a very beautiful moment in this journey, according to the King of Summer Carnival Orwin Gomes.

Although there were moments of beauty and sweetness, in the end there arose moments of greatness and security as the King of Summer Carnival wanted to send a message that it was important to drink maturity and for everyone to be their own joy of the moment, to enjoy the Carnival. We regret that there was a shooting, but we hope that for another year things will be calmer and that the community in the Netherlands is more aware that we all came to enjoy a sweet Summer Carnival and not to hurt each other. Portrait by Zoraida Ridderstaat

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