
Introdukshon di ABB, lo pone ku ekonomia lo bai atras IMF ku atvertensia serio pa Gabinete Rhuggenaath

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E gobièrnu di PAR, MAN i PIN durante e último kuater añanan aki a planta solamente miseria pa nos pueblo. Ekonomia lo bai atras ku 20%, debe nashonal a subi di 55% pa kasi 100%, desempleo a subi te na 35% i desempleo bou di hubentut ta kasi 50% i sin perspektiva.


Défisit riba presupuesto di 822 mion florin i défisit den nos fondonan sosial di kasi 900 mion florin. Alrededor di 50% di nos poblashon ta den pobresa i pa empeorá e situashon mas ainda, tarifanan pa servisionan i produktonan públiko manera GASOLIN, FLOW, SELIKOR etc., a bira kasi impagabel i e kalidat a empeorá.


IMF durante su último bishita na Kòrsou a emití un rapòrt fecha 22 di yanüari 2021, kaminda IMF a tuma nota di e mal maneho di e gobièrnu aktual i a atvertí gabinete Rhuggenaath ku si no bini un kambio den e maneho aki, e lo hiba e pais aki na un kolapso total.


E promé atvertensia di IMF ta ku e gobiernu di PAR, MAN i PIN a hisa debe di pais di 55% den 2019, hib’e te na 100% di nos GDP den 2021. Espesialmente e manera ku Gobièrnu di Kòrsou kier atend’é ku e debakel di Giro pa IMF ta inkomprendibel. Gobièrnu ke pa pueblo di Kòrsou paga pa e mal maneho hibá den Girobank. Pa logra esaki gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke devaluá nos florin i fia 170 mion florin na Hulanda i pueblo di Kòrsou mester paga esaki bèk, Wèl Wèl.


MFK ta di opinion ku ta sea Banko Sentral, ku no a hasi su trabou na drechi, mester apsorbé esaki òf esnan den Girobank ku a hiba un mal maneho i no pueblo di Kòrsou manera gabinete Rhuggenaath kier hasi.


Esaki ta loke IMF a skirbi den nan rapòrt:


Government debt is projected to increase from 55 percent of GDP in 2019 to 100 percent of GDP this year due to the COVID-19 shock and the resolushon of Girobank. In 2020, the current fiscal deficit according to the national definition is likely to reach 765 million (16½ percent of GDP) on account of revenue losses, spending on Alivio measures and the takeover of Girobank’s liability to the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten (CBCS) by the budget (NAf 267 million, or 5.8 percent of GDP), raising the debt stock to about 85 percent of GDP. In 2021, government debt will increase due to the elevated current fiscal deficit (16.1 percent fo GDP) and a loan from the Netherlands (NAf 170 million, or 3.5 percent of GDP) for the resolution of Girobank”.


E di dos atvertensia di IMF na Gabinete Rhuggenaath ta pa no introdusí e belasting nobo, esta ABB (Algemene Besteding Belasting) di e forma ku nan ke hasié. Esaki lo brua e pueblo i esaki lo baha kresementu di nos ekonomia. Debí ku e forma ku PAR MAN i PIN ke introdusí e ABB ta nada mas ku un subida di “Invoerrechten”. Pues kontrali na loke e gobièrnu aki ke laga pueblo kere ku lo bini kresementu ekonómiko, IMF ta atvertí ku introdukshon di ABB dor di gabinete Rhuggenaath lo no tin kresementu ekonómiko.


Esaki IMF a skirbi den su rapòrt:


“Tax policy. The current design of the new ABB is not endorsed by the IMF staff as it is distortionary and could be harmful to economic growth. The proposed ABB introduces a de facto import duty which will ultimately increase the cost of services and exports. In addition, differential treatment of imported goods, domestically produced goods and services while leaving the retail sector out of the ABB base create opportunities for arbitrage among importers, producers and retailers. The design of new ABB tax should be improved in line with 2019 report by the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department and comments as of October 2020. In particular, the tax should be extended to all domestic goods and services and a tax credit should be allowed for all businesses, turning the current proposal into a broader-based consumption tax. The list of exemptions should be narrowed and the essential parameters of the tax should be elaborated in the law rather than left for the discretion of the tax administration. The timeline should be ambitious but realistic, while paying due attention to cyclical conditions and the social impact”.


Si realmente nos kier trese un kambio den e rumbo desastroso ku e aktual gabinete ta hibando Kòrsou, dia 19 di mart próksimo pueblo di Kòrsou mester laga e rapòrt aki di IMF ta e guia pa bosnan no laga e gabinete Rhuggenaath keda na mando. MESTER BINI UN KAMBIO.

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