On the weekend, Minister of Tourism and Public Health Mr. Dangui Oduber, together with colleagues Minister Tjon and parliament Tevreden, opening of another Health Expo, this time with the theme “Promotion of health and activity” Physics at work held at the Renaissance Convention Center.
The goal of the EXPO is to provide information to the entire community on all fields of Our health is a matter of conscience, so people can avoid certain diseases and so that they may have a better and more lasting life. There was more than 35 participating organizations with valuable health information, physical activity and mental health.
Professionals provided information on diabetes, cardiovascular, vision, movement and much more. Tawata has the opportunity to get tested and know your cholesterol numbers, sugar, pressure, weight and bmi. The entire field of public health is present as also various departments and foundations.
Prevention is the main focus of the Ministry of Health’s policy to achieve a healthier communities, more aware of their own health and improving one’s and everyone else’s quality of life. It is important to note that this expo is part of the national plan of prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has been identified. In this plan the focus is to health is about prevention through living a more active and healthier life, Having access to various tools and tips that can help our people with this. Aruba is in the few countries around the world that have a national disease prevention plan here. The global goal is to reduce the number of deaths related to NCDs by 1/3 by 2030.
Finally, Minister Dangui Oduber thanked everyone who visited the expo. Promotion of health and physical activity at work A special thanks to the team of Health Platform, Department of Public Health and Ministry of Tourism and Health The public, as well as all the foundations and organizations that were present with their booth at the expo, who worked extremely hard and put all their efforts into making the expo here becomes a reality.