
Doubt limits men, but God is almighty

Pastor Marcel Balootje

Doubt does not come from God, doubt is a bad influence, which leads people to believe that they cannot achieve it, and that everything is over pe, and thus limit their expectation of moving forward in life, causing worry and stress. But faith in God is all that we all need to move forward in life, because without faith it is impossible to please God. 

When we have faith we show confidence, and that we recognize that God is on our side, and that we could count on God’s help, and that’s what moves the hand of God, when we believe that God can and does, without seeing the thing yet, in that we demonstrate to God, that we depend completely on God. See, the Lord’s hand is not short that he cannot save, neither are his ears deaf that he cannot hear.(Isaiah 59:1).

No one can stop God from blessing you, but when we don’t believe nothing happens. Because everything is possible for the one who believes.And as we all know that for God nothing is impossible. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD: for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9).

For as rain and snow fall from heaven, and do not return thither, without wetting the earth, and they cause the earth to spring up and sprinkle, and gives seed to the sown, and bread to the eater. And this is how My word that comes out of My mouth will be: it will not empty me again, without fulfilling what I desire and without achieving the purpose for which I was sent.(Isaiah 55:10-11).

Speak God, no one will change, and God will send you no one will change direction.

Science, technology, witchcraft, and any other thought of man, cannot be compared to the greatness of God. Behold, I am Jehovah the God of all flesh, is there anything that is very difficult for me? (Jeremiah 32:27). Here we can realize how much delay our doubts, murmurings, and lack of faith can cause in our lives. In Numbers 11:21-22 Moses did not believe that the Lord could give 600,000 people to eat meat and Moses said that there is not enough small cattle breeding, nor cod breeding, or all the fish must be collected in the sea And Jehovah said to Moses: Is Jehovah’s power limited? Now you will see if my word will be fulfilled for you, yes or no.

The greatness of the Lord will always surpass man’s thought because our Lord is sovereign.

I am God and there is no one like me. Who declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that have not yet been done, saying, My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish everything that pleases me.(Isaiah 46:9-10).

He heals the broken-hearted, and binds up their wounds, determines the number of stars, calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and abounding in strength, His understanding is infinite.(Psalm 147:3-4-5).

God spoke again, I heard him twice, the power belongs to God.(Psalm 62:11). Jesus said all the authorities were given to me in heaven and on earth.(Matthew 28:18). Sincerely, Pastor Marcel Balootje.

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