
CPost International’s emphasis on efficient operations and service modernization

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Recently, CPost International N.V. delivered and presented its Annual Report 2022 to Minister Charles Cooper of the Ministry of Traffic, Transport, and Urban Planning. During the presentation, the management of CPost motivated the company’s focus on reducing operational expenses by eliminating waste through projects that enhance efficiency and the implementation of innovation in its processes and services. 

The modernization of CPost’s traditional services will run parallel to the effort to diversify the services offered according to the needs of local clients and the international market. Management of CPost International N.V., together with representatives from the company’s Supervisory Board, presented the 2022 Annual Report of CPost to Minister Cooper after the annual report had been audited by the external auditor, Ernst & Young. During the exchange with Minister Cooper, CPost’s management elaborated on global postal developments and their impact on traditional postal services. As is known, worldwide, the volume of traditional mail is decreasing, with all the associated financial consequences.

In this context, under the leadership of the new CEO, Mr. Jervhes Josephia, CPost is focusing its efforts on improving and diversifying its services for both local and international customers. To sustain traditional services, CPost is focusing on improving the quality of mail delivery, modernizing internal processes, and further emphasizing its air and sea cargo services. With a more sustainable approach, CPost is also moving towards waste reduction, exploring alternative energy options to reduce costs, and introducing innovative payment solutions through applications that facilitate the payment process for CPost customers.

Some of the steps CPost has taken include the installation of Community Mail Boxes in various areas around Curaçao. In terms of postal shopping, customers can now use the “CPost App” and “Valt Pay” applications, both designed to transform how CPost customers manage their packages and make online payments via the Valt Pay eWallet, which will facilitate payments for packages received via PuntoMio and EuroMio. 

CPost CEO, Mr. Jervhes Josephia, explains that CPost is making significant efforts to strengthen its competitiveness in the local and international postal world, primarily by providing services that meet the needs of today and tomorrow’s world. “In CPost’s annual report, you can see a moderately positive result, and our operational expenses are currently decreasing, in line with our actions. However, it is imperative that we continue to focus on efficiency, innovation, and diversification to balance the loss of postal revenue and offer products and services that benefit the needs of customers and the local and international markets.” CPost’s goal is to become a professional service company for its clientele. Minister Cooper will soon convene the general shareholders’ meeting to discuss CPost’s annual report. 

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