
Coast Guards assisted a sailing vessel at Saba

Coast Guards Assisted A Sailing Vessel At Saba.3

In the early morning hours of Tuesday, July 11th, the Maritime Operation Center (MOC) received a report of a sailing vessel in need of assistance at Saba. The mooring rope broke loose and the sailing vessel ran aground on the west side of the island. Another sailing vessel nearby assisted initially by taking the persons from the stranded vessel. Thereafter the Coast Guard vessel ‘Metal Shark’ assisted with the transportation of a total of 23 persons, including 21 children, to the Harbour of Saba. No casualties were reported.

Coast Guards Assisted A Sailing Vessel At Saba.2Coast Guards Assisted A Sailing Vessel At Saba

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1 comment

Coast Guards assisted a sailing vessel at Saba - Notisia 365 July 11, 2023 at 8:44 pm

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