Sint MaartenEnglish

Child Safety Code to be implemented on Sint Maarten

E Codigo Di Siguridad Pa Mucha Cu Mester Wordo Implementa Na Sint Maarten 1

Under the guidance of UNICEF the Netherlands, the Court of Guardianship Sint Maarten has developed a child safety code (the official name is still being decided), in accordance with Article 243d of the Civil Code of Sint Maarten. In addition to providing support to children and families, once implemented, the code will serve as a guideline for professionals to detect possible child abuse rapidly. As a result of the code, all relevant departments in Sint Maarten, including the Court of Guardianship, Police Department, SJIS, schools, medical centers, and other institutions that provide family services, will be better able to communicate about suspected child abuse.
Cooperation between these institutions is crucial to the success of the child safety code and related programs. The first people to notice signs of suspected child abuse are often teachers, police officers, medical personnel, and other child-care professionals. They also have a responsibility to offer the much-needed emotional support to children in those difficult situations, or to report when necessary,” says Neidi de Carvalho, Child Protection Specialist for UNICEF the Netherlands.

Additionally, the Court of Guardianship and UNICEF in the Netherlands are developing supporting programs to support the implementation of the child safety code in addition to establishing legal frameworks and establishing working agreements. On Sint Maarten, these programs include Child Check and Handle with Care, which assist institutions that work with children and parents in identifying, reporting, and following up on suspected child abuse cases.

Last year, the Department of Youth and Family Affairs (DMH) in Aruba implemented its own ‘Code Di Proteccion’ to protect children. The Court of Guardianship and UNICEF the Netherlands organized a working visit to Aruba to learn more about this process. Their visit was curated by the DMH, whose specialists elaborated on the overall implementation and sustainability of the ‘Codigo Di Proteccion’ in Aruba.

Several other institutions that play a role in the execution of the child safety code in Aruba were also visited, such as the KPA (Korps Politie Aruba, StichtingKatholiekOnderwijs Aruba, Bureau Sostenemi (Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting, University of Aruba, DVR (DirectieVoogdijraad), Dr. Horacio Hospital & ‘Telefon pa Hubentud’ (Youth Helpline), among others. The main objective of the visit was to gain knowledge, best practices, advice, and inspiration regarding the process, procedures, workflow, legal framework, and implementation phase from the beginning until where Aruba currently stands. This information will be helpful in developing and implementing the child safety code on Sint Maarten in collaboration with UNICEF of the Netherlands. Thank you to the Department of Youth and Family Affairs for their assistance in facilitating this valuable working visit.

E Codigo Di Siguridad Pa Mucha Cu Mester Wordo Implementa Na Sint Maarten

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Child Safety Code to be implemented on Sint Maarten - Notisia 365 July 27, 2023 at 8:27 pm

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