
Child law is in effect

Pap Ley Di Kinderopvang Ta Na Vigor 1

During the press conference of the Government of Aruba, Minister of Justice and Social Affairs Mr. Rocco Tjon, together with colleagues. Sue-Ann Ras, announced that the childcare law was enacted. This is a very important step in continuing to raise and ensure the safety and care quality for our children. A rather long journey, which started in 1998, and today in 2023 has managed to finalize it under the management of the Wever-Croes cabinet.

It is a very long and complex trajectory, supported by several key institutions and professionals. Mainly, Mrs. Sue-Ann Ras, who from the beginning paved the way for the implementation of the childcare center law. It’s remarkable that thanks to the collaboration between the Department of Children and Youth (DMH), and all the sessions as well as information bulletins to keep the care centers running well. It has been found that today there are more than eighty care centers, which are officially registered. So, DMH was finalized in 2022, before this law came into force, which is

important, considering that one of their tasks will be the supervision of the enforcement of the law here. In addition to this, they were in charge of the registration part, as well as administration and handle this. Additionally, it will be in charge of the guidance, assistance, preparation and evaluation for virtually all aspects of childcare centers, as well as counseling and supporting each child care center, for what is required to come to this permission.

This law relates to the quality requirements that every healthcare facility must meet such as the safety, pedagogical, hygiene and development staff, of all the staff who work in the different care centers. Many thanks to fellow minister Mr. Glenbert Croes who initiated this in his social crisis plan. Sue-Ann Ras, Department of Children and Youth which includes one small but certainly capable and dedicated group, together with the Code of Protection, and the Directie Wetgeving has played a very important role in getting us to this day and thus completing the process that began in 1998.

Finally, an appeal is sent to all care centers that have not yet been registered, to do this, through the website of the Department of Children and Youth, so that they can come to and in order to receive a license to preach, you must obey the requirements of the law awarded this year to all registered nursing homes.

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Child law is in effect - Notisia 365 September 9, 2023 at 10:53 am

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