
Bonaire day celebration: Together we form bonaire

Pap Celebracion Di Dia Di Boneiro Hunto Nos Ta Forma Un Comunidad

Bonaire day is at the door and this year the event has as its theme: “Together we form a community”.

We proudly emphasize that we want to celebrate the 75 different nationalities that inhabit Bonaire and this cultural diversity in a big way. The event promises to become a day full of fun, culture and culinary delights, where the focus is on getting together and connecting with each other.

Date and location: The festivities are held on Friday, September 6th at the Car Parking site in front of the Main Office of the Governor, with an anteroom on September 5th in Bonaire

Wilhelmina Square, the atrium full of atmospheres next to the El Mundo Restaurant from 19:00 hours to 22:00 hours.

Anteroom September 5th: The Tuesday evening anteroom offers a festive prelude in preparation for the main day. The program involves several presentations of local music and entertainment groups, among others:

* Creole musical formation Group (FMK

* Farley’s Entertainment Band

* Groupe ESO

Enjoy a wide variety of culinary delights and refreshing drinks. Main day September 6: on Wednesday, September 6, the official program begins at 9:00 a.m. with a protocol session that lasts until 12:00 p.m. Here the Bonaire Public Entity expects the presence of important representatives and wasps to emphasize the importance of our community and to make official openings of the festivities.

Then the day continues with a cultural program that lasts until 00:30 hours. During the cultural program

there will also be a Simadan that starts at 14:00 at Casa de Regatas and will continue dancing to the Wilhelmina Park. The Simadan will be open to the public. So we want to encourage one and all to participate. The celebration doesn’t end here. In the evening also everyone can have fun in abundance of cultural and entertainment programs, where the highlight is in charge of Magic Sound, which closes tonight.

No less than 75 booths were registered for the event this year. These stands offer a variety of cuisines and artistic expressions, reflecting the diversity and richness of our community. Together we form a community: the celebration of our diverse community is at the heart of

Bonaire Day 2023. At 18:45 hours the Deputy of Culture Pablo James Kroon makes a speech to officially open the festivities. After the opening, each group is given an hour of time to present their cultural contribution.

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Bonaire day celebration: Together we form bonaire - Notisia 365 September 5, 2023 at 6:36 pm

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