
Aruba Bank supports Respaldo

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Aruba Bank announced its Walk & Run 2023 which will take place on May 22, 23, 24 and 25 and named Respaldo as the foundation that will support this event. A portion of the registration fee for Walk & Run participants will go to Respaldo.

Respaldo is a specialized foundation that was founded to provide treatment for complex disorders and mental health problems. Support works according to the latest scientific knowledge and was recently evaluated by the psychiatric association from the Netherlands.

Backpedo has a clinic, formerly PAZ where severely affected people could stay for a short time. Besides the clinic, Respaldo has a Polyclinic for children and youth and one for adults. Both polyclinics have psychiatrists, psychologists specializing in health care, social workers and nurses with extensive experience and good training. Different types of special treatment apply to both children and adolescents, and adults. It is regularly checked for additional training and education required which means that Support professionals are certified at a high level. There is also a specialized team called FACT-team that guides people who are very ill in their own homes.

The pressure on Respaldo has increased since the pandemic because treatments could not take place on time and as a result the disorders became more complicated and took longer to heal. Adolescents have had no real social contact for a long time, meanwhile becoming more addicted to, among other things, social media and becoming even more distracted. The elderly were more lonely and became more depressed. Due to Covid, poverty has increased even more and creates economic pressure. In this way anxiety and depression continue to increase. During and after COVID, the suicide rate among the population increased. Suicidal tendencies belong to a specialized foundation that in our case is Support and it takes a long time to treat it properly. But there are too few professionals to adequately address this task.

“The pandemic has had an immense impact on our society, and even more so on people struggling with mental health issues”, says Els Avontuur, Managing Director of Aruba Bank. We recognize the importance of mental health services in our community, and we are proud to support Support in their efforts to support all those in need.

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