
A year’s preparation has achieved the title of maximum and best costume for the Summer Carnival in the Nerherlands

Orwin Gomes 1

The Netherlands celebrated a Summer Carnival in a big way. Every year this activity grows and many arubian are participating in such activities in the Netherlands. Orwin Gomes was crowned King of Summer Carnival. However, this achievement was not achieved alone, the trajectory was very long but finally reached the final goal. In a unique and exclusive way, Orwin Gomes tells EA News about his experience.

The preparation to compete in such a big competition for the King of Summer Carnival was not easy since a year ago began to prepare. Little by little I started talking, I started looking for connections. Besides, he already knew the famous Andrew Curiel who is a professional designer from Aruba and approached him for help and Andrew Curiel did started to get involved. At the time of his participation he represented the Rossini van Wijk group Kingdoms Under The Sun and thus began to work the team and together worked on the whole project until the great day that was July 8 last where the final night was crowned as King of Summer Carnival.

All the materials  were made in Aruba where the family in Aruba also got involved, mother took care of the stencils, uncle was a welder, aunt helped organize everything so that in Aruba everything went smoothly so that the materials could reach the Netherlands for the big night. The family in Aruba helped me, in the Netherlands it is difficult to achieve everything, but besides that in the Netherlands everything is not easy and this is where the family played a very big role where they supported me and helped me to succeed.

It cannot be ruled out that at the last moment things can happen, but that is part of the Carnival and understandable too. But at the end of the evening won the title of King of Summer Carnival, but also awarded with the Best Costume and this is thanks to the whole family and Andrew Curiel who helped tirelessly. photo from facebook Joke shot

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