
A woman under the influence of alcohol took a pill and went to the beach

Un Muhe Bao Influencia Di Alcohol A Bebe Pilder Y Drenta Lama

On 30 April 2023 at around 5:25 pm during surveillance at Rum Reef/Nanki, the police patrol noticed a situation in the sea. The patrol saw a man swimming down the reef and a group of women trying to rescue a woman from the sea. The policeman immediately came to her and was able to pull her out of the water. At first the woman did not react. Then a colleague gave the first reanimation. Then he spit on them and opened their eyes. Neighboring citizens who were not relatives of the soldiers, but also came to the beach to spend a day and when they heard someone screaming they immediately came to help. The police immediately reported the incident and immediately dispatched additional patrols and an ambulance. After a while, he stopped. She began to ask about her husband, but at the same time could notice that he was under the influence of alcohol. A short time later Mr. When he arrived at the scene, it was reported that his wife had been drinking and then drank a sleeping pill and then jumped into the sea. An ambulance arrived at the scene and responded immediately.

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