
A.T.A: Visitor results for July 2023

Stayover Press Release July 2023

July 2023 in comparison to 2019 and 2022

In July 2023 our destination received a total of 111,862 stay-over visitors. Comparing July 2023 to July 2019 – which was the last normal year for tourism – Aruba recovered 108% of the revenue received in July 2019, indicating an 8% growth. Comparing July 2023 to July 2022 could see an increase of 3%.

Average spending patterns per visitor in Q2 2023 Visa Credit card average spending per cardholder reached $625 in Q2 compared to $667 in Q1 2023. Mastercard’s average cost per cardholder reached $691 in Q2 compared to $740 in Q1 2023.

Markets and categories of accommodation

In July 2023, 83% of total overnight visitors to Aruba came from North America, 6% came from Europe, 9% came from Latin America and 2.4% were from other parts of the world.

Looking at the accommodation categories, in July 2023 27.5% of visitors stayed in European Plan hotels, 17.7% stayed in All-Inclusive hotels, 29.5% stayed in Timeshare and 25.2% stayed in other types of accommodation, also known as vacation rentals.

Vacation rentals

It’s important to mention that the A.T.A. has access to a platform where they can see the number of cases, Apartments and villas that are used as vacation rentals as well as the average price per night, the occupation and a calculation of the income that these generate.

Comparing July 2023 to July 2022 shows that the average price of these accommodations has increased by 10%, from an average price of $233 per night in July 2022 to an average price of $257 in July 2023. Comparing July 2023 to July 2019, the average price of these accommodations increased by 66.5%, from an average price of $158 per night in July 2019 to an average price of $260 in July 2023.

Comparing July 2023 to July 2022, the average occupancy of these accommodations decreased by 3.1 percentage points, from an average of 50.6% in July 2022 to an average of 48.7% in July 2023. Yes Comparing July 2023 to July 2019, the average occupancy of these accommodations increased by 8.2 percentage points, from an average of 44.9% in July 2019 to an average of 53.1% in July 2023.

In terms of revenue, if we compare July 2023 to July 2022 we can see that the category has generated an increase in income of 30%. Comparing July 2023 to July 2019 shows that the category has generated an increase in income of 193%.

Vacation Rentals

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ADR $168.00 $179.00 $205.00 $233.00 $257.00 $168.00 $179.00 $205.00 $233.00 $257.00 Occupancy and 44.9% 25.3% 53.7% 51.8% 53.1%
Revenue $5,756,371 $3,686,205 $10,369,074 $12,947,651 $16,886,480 $1,069 million in revenue from the sale of the property Source: A.T.A. He was born in the United States. (transparent)

2023 (This is the YTD)
As of July 2023, Aruba received a total of 722,444 overnight visitors, an increase of 6.4%, This compares to July 2019, when 679,113 visitors stayed over. Comparing the first seven months of 2023 to the first seven months of 2022, we can see an increase of 13.4%, going from 637,331 overnight visitors to 722,444 overnight visitors.

To receive the A.T.A.’s “Statistical Monthly Report” each month, please contact Melanie Kelly at m.kelly@aruba.com

Stayover Visitors Recovery Press Release July 2023

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1 comment

A.T.A: Visitor results for July 2023 - Notisia 365 August 14, 2023 at 3:14 pm

[…] To receive the A.T.A.’s “Statistical Monthly Report” each month, please contact Melanie Kelly at [email protected] […]


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