
A Parliament public meeting will be held to clarify in details of the police helicopter lease contract

Lo Bay Un Reunion Publico Pa Aclaracion Detayadamente Riba Contracto Di Lease Di Helicopter Di Polis

During the press conference of the Government of Aruba, Minister Rocco Tjon came forward and clarified the situation of the helicopter of the police corps. The Minister mentioned that there’s information about a person that works with the company from which this helicopter was leased, and he would have been captured by justice.

When we got this information, at the beginning of 2022, about the mentioned person, the Government of Aruba immediately did its “due diligence” to ensure that the company complied with the requirements of the contract. One of the requirements is that they have to be in good standing, regarding the judicial part. Thus, this turned out to be the case that in fact, the person is not the owner or shareholder of the company, but only an employee, whose employment relationship with the company ended in December 2020. Aruba has not signed an agreement with this person either.

Additionally, I requested a meeting with the Parliament of Aruba, so that they themselves can get a detailed clarification, and see for themselves that the company is in good standing, and that the mentioned person is not a shareholder, and has not signed anything. At the same time, Minister Rocco Tjon will also share with Parliament all the documents and correspondence received.

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