
A citizen can express his discontent, but we must not play with the golden egg

Gouden Ei Turisme

The situation at Baby Beach is normal, a citizen can express his dissatisfaction if he is angry about a situation he is not happy with, but the reality is that we should not play with the golden egg “ the tourists” who come to Aruba. Just like citizens who show something they don’t like, they too have the right not to harass the tourists when it comes to public places.

The Minister of Justice warns that the police are there to maintain public order. As we all know, tourism is the backbone of Aruba’s economy, and that’s why a lot is being invested to protect it, with various projects like the cameras, extra security, the Tourism Security Patrol, beach police, police units that guard the tourist attractions. According to the Attorney General, it depends on the circumstances of the report.

However, if a person feels attacked, mistreated or harassed, he or she can always contact the police, who then act as an intermediary to deal with the specific case.

Minister of Justice Rocco Tjon is aware of a small group of well-known activists, but the reality is that if they want to achieve their goal, they must do so in a responsible way and in dialogue. The doors of the Ministry of Justice are open, but it is also intended that the doors of the Ministry of Tourism will also be open to listen specifically to this subject.

What is a reality is that the former incident almost never happens, but now every time it happens against our tourists, but also when there are ceremonial activities, it is always the same group of activists who do this. The Minister of Justice believes it is important to sit at the table and dialogue and listen to the intentions of the Wever Croes cabinet and listen but also to understand what has already been done in this area where the number of chambers has been reduced and to be able to dialogue together and also to have an overview of everything that is happening to get out of this impasse, but in a way where both parties understand each other in the interest of Aruba.

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