
World Premiere of Rebecca Roos’ latest documentary at the Curaçao International Film Festival

Alice Roly Mc

Wednesday April 10th, the 10th edition of the Curaçao International Film Festival will
commence. During this prestigious film festival Rebecca Roos’ latest feature length
documentary, I CAN’T BE MOE; Alice van Romondt (I Can’t Be Tired) will have its
World Premiere.
there will be two chances to see the film in Curaçao: Friday April 12, at 7:30 PM, and
April 14 at 1:30 PM at The Movies Otrobanda.
One week later, on April 19, the film will be shown in Aruba at 8:00 PM in Cas di
Cultura. Before the screening in Cas di Cultura there is the unique opportunity to visit an
exhibition os a selection of Alice’s private art collection, starting at 6:30 PM.
At all three screenings filmmaker and subject will be present.
In I CAN’T BE MOE the filmmaker follows the dynamic and passionate Alice van
Romondt, who behind the scenes makes a lot of creative projects happen, especially in
Aruba, but also in the rest of the Dutch Caribbean. Originally the plan was to follow Alice
for six months, during which there was a full schedule of events both locally and abroad
that Alice would attend. As such we would get a comprehensive picture of the
phenomenon that is Alice van Romondt. Just before the shoot was about to start COVID
forced a lockdown on the world. And this forced changes to made on the production
schedule. Once filming was allowed again, the crew followed Alice for two years
between 2020 and 2022.
This documentary would not have been possible without the support of the co-
financiers, UYNOCA and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and the sponsors Subway, AIB,
Café the Plaza, Romar, O4IA and Lionsdive Beach Resort Curaçao, and co-producer
Jonathan Vieira.
Even though the documentary encountered many challenges, Rebecca Roos is very
happy with the end result, in which we not only get a portrait of a dynamic and inspiring
woman, but through her also of the creative industries in Aruba and the Dutch
Caribbean as a whole.


Poster Icbm V2 CiffAlice Cdm McAlice Jv Mc

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