
Anuncio di Morto: Tyrone Jackson Brown

Tyrone Jackson Brown

Rev: 12:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no

more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away”

It is with deep sadness that we must inform you of the passing away of our beloved brother, father, grandfather uncle:

Tyrone Jackson Brown
Better known as: “Prano”.
☼ April 15th 1948 – † February 24th 2024

Left to mourn

Sweetheart          Valerie Dawnes Daughter          Keisa Hilman-Brown

Son-in-law        Leonard Hilman

Stepchildren        Shawn Allicock

Travis Tucker (Tip toe)


Siblings            Barbara Didder

Juan & Monica Didder-Adams & child Rayborne Didder & children

Robin-Ann Didder & children

Related to            Webb, Nedd, Henry, Didder, Adams, Brigitha, Calmera, Cijntje, Danies, Dawnes, Mata, Hilman.

A special thanks goes out to those who have supported us during this difficult time, family, friends, neighbors, Lifeline drivers, wound department of the poly clinic, and Dialysis department of IMSAN, and HOH & Wit Gele Kruis.

We apologize if during this time of grief, we have forgotten to mention names.

The funeral service of Tyrone Jackson Brown will take place on Wednesday February 28th 2024 from 2 pm at

Pray Funeral Home. The deceased will be laid out and viewed from 2 – 4 pm. The service will commence at 4 pm. Cremation will be held in a closed family sitting.

We regret that after the funeral service we can’t accept condolences at home

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