EnglishBonaireCaribean Island BES

Now also possible to submit applications online at IND


From now on, it is also possible for people with Dutch nationality to submit online applications to the Immigration & Naturalisation Service Caribbean Netherlands (IND CN). This relates to the following applications:

  • Declaration of Admittance by Law (VRW)
  • Declaration of Non-Applicability (NVT)
  • Limited residence permit (without provisional residence permit (MVV)) for study purposes

Online applications currently only in Dutch; other languages to follow
At this moment in time, online applications can only be submitted in Dutch. The IND will continue to develop the system so that this will also be possible in other languages in the future.

Online applications and more information at Rijksdienstcn.com
You can submit your online application at Rijksdienstcn.com. The website also contains frequently asked questions about submitting online applications.


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