
Persevere in prayer because evil is applauded and goodness is criticized

Pastor Marcel Balootje

Jesus does not pornea and explains to the disciples the parable in Matthew 13 about the corn and the grass shimaron. Matthew 13:37 Jesus says: the one who sows the good seeds is the Son of man, and the cradle is the world, the good seeds are the daughters of the kingdom, and the shimaron grass are the daughters of the wicked, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the world, and the harvesters are the angels.

All who have their eyes open your eyes and wise why evil and immorality increase day by day, because of the seeds of evil sown by the devil in this world, and that many fall into it, and do not want to repent and give their lives to Christ Jesus, to become a child of the kingdom of God.

But it should also be noted that the corn and the shimaron grass grow together, because Jesus himself said that the enemy sowed in the ditch, and he left. (Matthew 13:25).

Therefore, the word of God says that in their fruits you recognize them, (Matthew 7:15-20) when man knows the truth of God, and does everything possible to go against God’s will by supporting evil and pleasing the devil either for his own ego, money, power or position proves to be shimaron. When man runs for the responsibility, it is also a sign of shimaron, because the enemy sowed and took his way there, God has mercy, it is time for us to open our eyes.

Keep in mind what is to be written in Daniel chapter 10:12: Do not be afraid, because from the first day that you set your heart, to comport it and humble yourself before your God, Your word was heard, and I am coming as an answer to your words. But the prince of the Kingdom of Persia was drowning me for 21 days.And look at Miguel one of the main presses came to help me.

Here we must all begin to understand that evil and the forces of darkness to spoil our prayers and that we have to pervert in prayer, we have to pray constantly. 

When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan, by John the Baptist, heaven opened and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove, and remaining over dj’E. And behold a voice from heaven, saying This is my dear daughter in whom I have joy.(Matthew 3;16).

The tempted one came and said if you are the Son of God, command the stones to become pan.Ma Jesus answered and said that man does not live by bread alone but by all the words that come out of the mouth of God.

Here we have one more test that the enemy does not want to respect and even tried to sow his bad seeds in Jesus, by presenting himself with doubts.

To conclude Paul writes again in 2 Timothy 3:1-9 saying thus here: But know this, that in the last days there will come times of labor. And that is what we are seeing, man has lost respect for God and His word, man has become hated of the good.

Men who have the appearance that they know God, but who deny the truth of God in their lives.

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