
The disobedience of parents and leaders has consequences for all families and countries

Pastor Marcel Balootje

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119:105). I wrote to your parents, because you know the one who was from the beginning.(1 John 2;14). Hosea 4:6-7: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you to be my priest.

Because you forgot the law of your God, I will also forget your children, the more they multiplied the more they sinned against me, I will change their glory into shame. Behold, I am against the prophets who steal my word. I am against the prophets, declares the Lord: they use their tongue to say, declares the Lord. To see me, I am against those who prophesy false dreams, declare the Lord, and who told them and misled my people with irresponsible lies and gibes.

I did not send them, nor did I command them, therefore they will be of no use, that these people may declare the Lord.(Jeremiah 23:30-32). Every time a parent allows his child to do things that are not in God’s will, and he is perfectly well up to it, it is a stumbling block for his child. A major is not to prophesy false dreams to his son, but true things, in which God receives the Glory.

There is a way that seems good in the eyes of men, but its end is the way of death.(Proverbs 14:12). Major calls through God to raise his son in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.(Ephesians 6:4). Adam and Eve’s disobedience had serious consequences for their families.(Genesis chapters 3 and 4). The disobedience of the priest Eli caused the life and the life of his children.(1 Samuel 2:12-36).

The disobedience of King Saul caused his life, and threw the whole country astray.(1 Samuel 12:22-23). King David’s disobedience to make population counts caused death in the country (1 Chronicles 21:11-13). King David’s disobedience, adultery and crimes brought serious consequences for his family.(2 Samuel Chapter 11-18). Aaron’s disobedience plunged God’s people into idolatry and immorality (Genesis 32:2). The disobedience of Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu led to his death (Leviticus 10:1-2). The disobedience and murmuring of Miriam Moses’ sister caused Miriam to have leprosy.(Numbers 12:1-10).

Disobedience and not believing in the word of God caused Moses and Aaron to enter the primitive Land.(Numbers 14:9-13). Jezebel’s disobedience, witchcraft, idolatry and crimes diverted the country from the way of God, and caused her life.(1 Kings 21:1-25). The disobedience of Ananias and Sapphira caused his death (Spells 5:1-11). It is time for the flight to begin with the people of the house of God, and if it begins with us first, what will be the result for those who do not obey the gospel of God. If it is with difficulty the righteous will save, which will stop from the wicked and the sinner.

Leaving also those who suffer according to God’s will, to entrust their souls to the faithful Creator in doing what is right.(1 Peter 4:17-18).

Because if we continue to sin voluntarily, after having received the knowledge of the truth, there is no more sacrifice for the itch. But a terrible expectation of flight and the fury of a fire that will wipe out the adversaries.(Hebrews 10:26). We remain in prayer for God’s mercy.

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