
Kingdom law broke the economy in Curacao and Sint Maarten

Eng Rijkswet Broke The Economy In Curacao And Sint Maarten 1

Why does the Netherlands want to push Aruba with something that didn’t work in Curaçao and Sint Maarten? The MEP’s Secretary General is concerned about the way the Netherlands wants to push a Kingdom law for financial supervision, which has not worked in the last 13 years either in Curacao or in St Maarten. Praises the RFT of Curacao and Sint Maarten broke the economy and prevented both islands in their socio-economic growth.

The MEP’s Secretary General goes on to explain that this is written in reports by the general audit office of the Netherlands. In reports of the general audit office Netherlands accountability investigation 2019 kingdoms relations (IV) instead-Funds (H) it can be noted how the general audit office of the Netherlands criticized the RFT i. The kingdom law of Curaçao and Sint Maarten said that it did not work. 

This report was very critical explaining that the construction of this financial kingdom law was not effective and another kind of “approach” should come. Recommendations of the general audit office of Holland to the Minister of BZK to conduct a research and evaluation on the kingdoms law how others can achieve a system that works with emphasis, not only on financial control or supervision, but also on stimulating economic growth that the now has long ago. To date, the Netherlands has not complied with the general audit office and has not allowed an investigation and evaluation to be carried out in this regard.

Because Aruba lent 916 million guilders in pandemics should our country be part of the house of the representative? 

The current discussion is based on 916 million guilders borrowed by Aruba from The Netherlands, whose debts are due in October 2023. Either Aruba returns it or it is refinanced. In this the conditions of any possible deal with the Netherlands are the points of discussion currently in community with some politicians, some newspapers and some merchants. Maybe they can have another agenda or interests and have pure devolution of the country Aruba in the hands of the house of representatives without understanding in depth what it would mean for the country Aruba and for themselves.

Offers from Holland now on the table and the way he wants to help Aruba:

The Netherlands itself currently lends money at 2.7%. The Netherlands wants to finance the debt of 916 million guilders at the interests of the international market, between 6-8%. If Aruba Bay agrees to a kingdom law then for the next 2 years the Netherlands will lend Aruba at an interest of 5.1%. After 2 years if a kingdom law is reached, the Netherlands will reduce the interest rate to 3.2%. If no deal is reached, the Netherlands will lend to Aruba at the market interest which is between 6-8%. Therefore, in 20 years the Netherlands would be earning 300 million guilders with this deal on the shoulders of Aruba tolls. This is the help? Is this fair? Does this reflect Article 36 of the Statute? It’s not the answer!

The Artikel 36 statute states verbatim:

Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles in Aruba helped each other ” Because the nickel art in the Statute, which is still valid today speaks that it provides other help and assistance. Just to remind the Netherlands that Aruba always has a good heart. It is worth reminding the Netherlands that in difficult times for who can be in Aruba we have perceived to help WITHOUT having put any conditions. 

This is how we can remember the “flood” disaster in the Netherlands in January 1953, Aruba immediately demonstrated its will and as a small country provided unconditional bets(i have attached a press article from many years ago). Since the words help and assistance are how Aruba interprets and practices. Awo if the Netherlands wants to help tie to the conditions, this should be fair but not what there is on the table. Either you will help or you will delete the article 36 of the Statute and you will charge us as all the other banks in the world charge.

Financial Supervision:

Aruba is not against financial supervision, as long as it is well adjusted. Now financial supervision is in the hands of the country Aruba, that is, its government and its parliament. In Curacao and Sint Maarten this since October 10, 2010 when they obtained their Separate status is in British hands through a kingdom law RFT.

The Netherlands wants adjustments of Aruba also now by means of a raft.  The kingdom law had already proven not to work in Curacao or Sint Maarten. Read the report by the general audit office from the Netherlands. Aruba has no confidence in such a construction. Why push something that has been proven not to work? Let’s discuss and come up with something new that can work. This law of the Kingdom of the Netherlands therefore the kingdom law is in the hands of the Dutch Parliament, which makes decisions about it and not the Parliament of Aruba. Then 152 parliamentarians in the house of representatives, who have a number of problems of the Netherlands to solve, must take decisions about something that for them has little interest.

Is this really what the people of the country want? Do we believe in this? This is what Marisol López Tromp, Aquannette A. Gunn, Gerlien Croes, Ryçond Santos do Nascimento, Miguel Mansur along with some newspapers and some trade members are fighting for him. That is why we will continue to share information so that the people are well informed. Aruba deserves a better deal. A treatment with respect. Our dignity is not for sale!

Eng Rijkswet Broke The Economy In Curacao And Sint Maarten 2

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