
Certificates were handed out to students of mbo-3 training under the kindergarten law

Certificates Were Handed Out To Students Of Mbo 3 Training Under The Kinderopvang Law 4

Recently, Minister of Justice and Social Affairs Mr. Rocco Tjon, was present at the Bureau disaster relief (BRA), to make the surrender of certificates to the students participating in the MBO-3 training It is provided by the Education Foundation for Aruba (FEPA). In addition, he Leaders and workers from different backgrounds followed an additional course to ensure that Continue to develop the leadership part.

It is a very long journey, where for two years the Ministry of Justice and Social Affairs is investing in the personal development of each of these workers, who have a very important role in the entire judicial and social chain, which is why it will continue to invest in them. They signal, watch and warn for the safety of our children, while the children attend these nurseries.

The enthusiasm of the group that participated in this course is admirable, they showed their passion and determination to continue investing their time in this course, seeing the importance and added value that it has for our children.

The president met with FEPA, where he managed to reach concrete discussions regarding the investments that will continue to be provided to this group, which will also give the offer the opportunity to attend the MBO-4 training.

Finally, Minister Tjon expressed his satisfaction with the outcome of this course, as well as the investments that will continue to be made for this group for their own development and for Aruba to comply with the newly enacted law on child care.

Certificates Were Handed Out To Students Of Mbo 3 Training Under The Kinderopvang Law 5Certificates Were Handed Out To Students Of Mbo 3 Training Under The Kinderopvang Law 1Certificates Were Handed Out To Students Of Mbo 3 Training Under The Kinderopvang Law 3Certificates Were Handed Out To Students Of Mbo 3 Training Under The Kinderopvang Law 2

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