
International Day Of Peace

Pap Dia Internacional Di Paz

Today, September 21, 2023 is the International Day of Peace declared by the United Nations. We as a country also fall under international decrees and international days that are declared by the United Nations. The International Day of Peace is a day for Aruba and the whole world to keep thinking about their efforts to keep peace alive in their society.

The United Nations considers the international day of peace a day of utmost importance for the fundamental growth of a country, therefore a conference between all the countries that fall under the United Nations is held every time on the International Day of Peace. In order to improve connections between each other and also strengthen peace between countries. The main objective of the United Nations is to improve the connection and communication between countries in order to ensure that they can work together for the well-being of human beings and their fundamental rights. 

The International Day of Peace is a day in which Arubans must keep thinking and making solutions to maintain peace in our country. Peace is a mutual understanding and effort to keep our country without evil, without quarrels and without distructions, to keep our country at a level where we can all work in harmony and take our country forward.

Peace is something important and it has to be emphasized under youth and adults in order to have a mutual understanding for the important value that Peace has in our country and democracy.

Reflecting on what for the United Nations is the main objective of this International Day: 

“Actions for peace: our ambition for the #GlobalGoals” 

The United Nations General Assembly declared this day as a dedication to strengthen the 24 hours of no violence and ceasefire. Our world needs peace more than ever and therefore they proclaim that everyone has the same idea of what peace means for each country in order to maintain expectations among others.

This year the theme is “Actions for peace: our ambition for the #GlobalGoals”. This is a call to action that recognizes our mutual responsibility to promote and support peace. Achieve different goals, their sustainability so that we can reach a world with peace for all.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, declared that “peace is more necessary than ever. Wars and conflicts are causing devastation, poverty and hunger and displacing tens of millions of people from their homes. The climate chaos affects all the people of our planet, including the countries where peace reigns, are shaken by huge inequalities and political polarizations.”

The Goal of Sustainable Development (SDG) and its path to peace:

The year 2023 marks the beginning of the reconstruction of the applications of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) taking this into account the International Day of Peace is essential to coincide with the beginning of the goals for sustainable development.

The goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is that we reach the most just and inclusive society, free of fear and violence. However, we will not reach these goals without the contribution and participation of everyone, including the 1200 million young people who inhabit our world today. Join the United Nations call to act for Peace: fight inequality, start with climate change action and promote and protect human rights. 

All this is what the United Nations brought forward in order to make an appeal to young people and to everyone so that this International Day of Peace is one with great value for our future and country. A day full of peace and goals for sustainable developments and zero violence and full of harmony and connections.

Pap Dia Internacional Di Paz Sdg

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