
Independent Member of Parliament, Mr. dr. Ryçond Santos do Nascimento: The government is flip-flopping on the LGBTQIA+ agenda

Rycond Press

Government takes big steps to address LGBTQIA+ agenda 

While parliament is trying to pass a law to introduce gay marriage, the government has decided to prioritize the LGBTQIA+ agenda. The plan is to invent how discrimination takes place. Regarding this, the government wants to educate people about the LGBTQIA+ to community to fight discrimination against them. The government will also focus on expanding the rights associated with civil unions. Thus the government aligns itself with the same agenda that promotes transsexuality and wants to introduce education on LGBTQIA+ topics for children in schools. The LGBTQIA+ agenda clashes with Christianity. It is no secret that the LGBTQIA+ agenda takes a direct line against Catholic norms and values and especially doctrine on marriage. Furthermore, the LGBTQIA+ movement downplays Christianity as an antiquated, corrupt and ignorant religion. It seeks to silence all ideas that have a religious origin, under the pretext of separation of church and state. 

Furthermore, the LGBTQIA+ movement tends to accuse Christianity of being a religion that promotes homophobia and violence. Such tactics are deceptive, for Catholic doctrine clearly affirms the sanctity of human life and the dignity of every person. Christian doctrine emphasizes that Christ died on the cross for everyone, without distinction based on race, sex, sexual preference, or any other reason. The use of separation of church and state to silence people who identify themselves as Christians is a serious perversion of the idea that church and state cannot exercise authority in each other’s internal affairs. 

Marriage is sacred: According to Catholic doctrine, the family is the foundation of society. Strong and stable families create the well-being and moral fiber of a society. If a family is divided, the whole society will fall. That is why the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph occupies such a special place as a model of the family and as an example of love, obedience and loyalty. Furthermore, marriage is a sacrament. It is a covenant between a man and a woman whom God himself created to reflect the love and unity of Jesus with his Church. 

The primary purposes of marriage are procreation and the education of children. The family is the first school and therefore we need to take care with the help of others who want to educate our children, taking away the responsibility of parents. The family is the domestic church. This means that the home is a place where faith is cultivated, prayer is practiced, and moral values are sown. According to Catholic social teaching, family members should support and care for each other in all aspects. Thus the family becomes the first place to learn the importance of caring for our fellow man. The family should be the first place to learn compassion, justice and solidarity. If we want a more just, more resilient and more prosperous society, we have to start investing in the family. 

MEP-AVP promotes LGBTQIA+ agenda. Therefore it is sad that the same ministers who decided to  go the court of cassation against gay marriage, are promoting a completely anti-Catholic policy. They still have the excuse that they are social democrats, but the AVP is really a total disappointment. AVP uses Pope Leo XIII’s Encyclical Rerum Novarum to campaign for “Common Good”, while Mike Eman takes a direct counter to Catholic social doctrine by saying that economics is more important than marriage. The reality is that Desiree Croes and Miriam Tonk-Croes are whispering in his ear to forbid candidates Wendrick Cicilia and Dennerich Kelly from saying anything pro-traditional marriage, while Benny Sevinger, Mervin Wyatt-Ras and Mike de Meza raise the rainbow flag.

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