
President of the association of “Vereniging Rijscholen Aruba” (VRA) Thomas Ruiz: It can’t be that there are differences of interpretation of traffic laws

Thomas Ruiz

The president of Vereniging Rijscholen Aruba (VRA) Thomas Ruiz believes that the time has come to sit at the table. A few months ago he started to reform the educational system, but so far everything is quiet. However, as soon as he started this section he realized that the problem is much bigger than just reforming the Licence System in Aruba.

According to Mr. Thomas Ruiz everything that has to do with traffic has some point that is not going well and that needs to be changed and that needs to be revised. Currently there is a problem with insurance companies, for this reason I made a request to the minister concerned that he should sit at the table with the insurance association or all the insurance companies in Aruba to walk on the same line.

It cannot be that there are different interpretations of the law, because Aruba has one traffic law and everyone should be on the same line, but this does not happen. This can create situations that can endanger traffic, but also harm consumers. At the same time the effect may change the way traffic rules are taught in school fundamentally, but it may also influence the way exams are taken.

At the moment Vereniging Rijscholen Aruba (VRA) is working together with other stakeholders such as officers and Public Ministry to find an answer to the current situation and the current situation that is not in place.

According to Thomas Ruiz of Vereniging Rijscholen Aruba (VRA) the first problem he encountered was the article 5 of the traffic laws that deals with driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The law does not prohibit driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and to be more specific, it does not only refer to illegal drugs sold on the street, but drugs also mean taking medication that a person must take because they are under treatment. Since drugs are said to be lawful and unlawful under the law, this means that medicine also falls under it.

However, according to Thomas Ruiz of Vereniging Rijscholen Aruba (VRA) the law states that the limit of tolerance cannot be exceeded and therefore when driving there is a limit of 220 UGL, if you blow below of what the law says you have consumed but it is below the level that you can handle. But when the limit is exceeded, the police can issue a driving ban. The law is well known within the Aruba community. However, there are cases where accidents happen and it turns out that the interpretation of insurance is completely different from that of the police and the law.

The result is that insurance companies have a clause that says that you can’t use drugs or alcohol. If that is the case, then the security forces themselves have made their own rules and laws, and they have passed on the official law of the land. According to Thomas Ruiz of Vereniging Rijscholen Aruba (VRA) in this specific case that speaks to the insurance involved there is a court ruling that justified them as well. However, this is very dangerous considering that our laws speak against each other, it is a contrary decision that the judge has taken.

There are cases where the accident happened at the time of the accident and the police do their checks and it turns out that the person was drinking but he didn’t exceed the limit of what he could drive, but the insured if put in his documents that he was drinking and this is the way the driver is harmed where they won’t cover anything for the driver. Insurance policies have their own separate clauses and are governed by the law of Aruba. This situation is very dangerous and must be addressed. However, the judge found that the client knew that he had signed the clause and this crucified the driver, however by law the insurance was not acting properly, but due to the signing of the clause and the client is not notified that this clause exists because he signs a document without knowing what is really on it because the clause is written in such small letters that the client does not notice it. In this way the insurance company deceives the client and entangles the client in the trap and where he should have signed the insurance company won the case. These are the events that happened in Aruba. According to Thomas Ruiz of Vereniging Rijscholen Aruba (VRA), these are issues that the government should address because it is not in its place for insurers themselves to decide to change the law and run the roads in their own way. There is an urgent need to address these issues.


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