
DIP is in full recovery process

Dip Ta Den Pleno Proceso Di Recuperacion

The Directie Infrastructuur en Planning (DIP) is a very important department for the development of Aruba. However, this department has been violated in all styles and by different commands from both directors and mandataries who have held the infrastructure portfolio.

However, today it can be said that the DIP sent the last direct Haime Croes to one of the people who did the most damage to the department besides Erol Sjak Shie who was a councillor and semi-director. Both have been targeted in the past by infrastructure queen Marisol Tromp’s time as MEP and POR’s time as backlink creator but failed to achieve their goal.

Currently the DIP is without a director but there is an interim director who is fixing and doing the right things that were very rotten and damaged in the DIP. However, at the same time, we must all be aware that the violations that have been done for years, the wounds and the damage that it has caused, do not help today and tomorrow but must go through a process to address all the signs of violation so that little by little they can recover and get back on their feet as a strong department that follows the principles and the law.

Haime Croes is responsible for harming LandAruba and the people of Aruba in various decisions he has made and various maneuvers that have been made that have harmed a country, but more clearly this has not been done alone but , compromising with pers silence reaching agreements to save and get rid of the citizens that was made as a two-time infrastructure mandate. All this is unfortunate, but people really need to know who are the real faces of this type of politics because the hands of Jews walk in the community pretending that they have not broken a copy and deceive people every day running campaigns actually doing the same operation of everything under one roof and with 4 eyes.

But one truth that Aruba is facing is a Department of the Interior that has been violated where a woman who is now the head who is not a director is doing a good job little by little but surely and according to the law to give rights to all those who have and to fix the department that has been so badly treated by directors and politicians, a department that is essential for the people of Aruba.

They also cannot believe that in the blink of an eye everything will be fixed but it will take time. Could it be noted that MP ALvin Molina is very interested in the infrastructure department and even dares to complain and feels that things are slow, however where was Molina at the time when we should have put a foot down for those who massacred DIP? , today there is a good person in charge who wants to put pressure? Why didn’t you put pressure on the rotten apes that were massacring this country? Parliamentarian Alvin Molina is too late to realize that things are going well to put undue pressure, because things are going as they should but he is taking his time because legally the one in charge must be careful not to be influenced and maybe those who think they could have bought under the table before can do so now not.

Parliamentarian Alvin Molina the train has left you because currently DIP is a department that is in its moments of transition and this needs its time and not pressure. The pressure should have come when the rotten apples were in the head, now it’s too late.

When a department is in a transitional period, it is not so much to sign, but to analyze, study what happened, to come to terms with them and to check before issuing any documents, to put all the files in order according to the law in the department.

The work that has been done in the last three months has been very time-consuming for the fantastic team that is currently at DIP together with the concerned mandate holder.

There’s a lot of damage that former DIP director Jaime Croes did that is inseparable, but at the same time it’s so brazen to still be charging the highest scale of government salaries at home and on the road that others have to repair his bad work that he did for years and years and the same sweet home runs 10 thousand florins every month from this town and more has made a disaster in the department in DIP. How is it possible that the people of Aruba and the parliamentarians allow and accept this. ALvin Molina perhaps this is a task to really stand strong on the salary fund of a former director for Aruba to get it back considering that besides being in case he has caused a big blunder in the department, this is certainly something unacceptable.

Currently, not even the best director in the world to manage DIP will be able to remedy overnight all the damage that the former director of DIP Haime Croes has caused together with Sjaksie and those concerns with which they form a bond.

From Marisol Tromp MEP, Benny sevinger AVP, Otmar Oduber POR and Maris

For Minister Oduber it was an honor to receive this book written by a person who has done so much, creating knowledge materials for the benefit of our greatest cultural heritage which is Carnival.

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1 comment

DIP is in full recovery process - Notisia 365 September 1, 2023 at 2:44 pm

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