
Colombian tourist found dead in pool of apartment complex

Turista Colombiano Haya Sin Bida Den Pool Di Compleho Di Apartamento.2

In an apartment complex in Boegoeroei on Aruba in the early hours of the morning, a person was found face up in the bottom of a swimming pool, motionless and unresponsive, immediately alerting the concerned authorities.

Immediately two ambulance units arrived at the scene to begin resuscitation but were unsuccessful in finding the body and requested the help of the fire department to remove the lifeless body. A situation that is certainly not pleasant to look at. By the time police and ambulance arrived and could do nothing more for the person, a doctor was called and asked to be present and an investigation was started. The forensic department was on site to extract all evidence and then firefighters pulled the lifeless body out of the pool. It is a 50-year-old Colombian tourist.

Turista Colombiano Haya Sin Bida Den Pool Di Compleho Di Apartamento 1Turista Colombiano Haya Sin Bida Den Pool Di Compleho Di Apartamento

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1 comment

Colombian tourist found dead in pool of apartment complex - Notisia 365 August 28, 2023 at 9:08 pm

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