
Robert Maduro won the Caya Festival with his song “Laga Caya Papia”

Fundacion Festival Cantica Di Caya

A street singing festival organized by the Chico Harms Foundation took place in downtown Brazil. The overall winner was Robert Maduro. The large cultural event that took place in the center of the Brazil neighborhood is one sure to be applauded and Robert Maduro is happy to be able to contribute to the culture of Aruba in this way.

The composer of the song is himself a person and the arranger was in the hands of Elton Trimon, Movi Grew and Chris Loefstop who are Aruba’s musicians. The song that has been made is about love and mind in the group Amor of our culture so that when accompanying the group dancing and dancing, we want to have atmosphere on the dance floor.

According to Robert Maduro this is very important when the groups go out on the streets so that the music can create an atmosphere where everyone moves on the streets. Artist Robert Maduro is pleased to see a fully-fledged Brazilian ski center with a cultural atmosphere, where he could feel an Aruban atmosphere on the night of the street singing festival. From next and September 3rd folkloric Aruba is on the road and the song will resonate on the street so that everyone in the group and on the side of the road can enjoy it as it should be.

Third place went to Jelisse Boekhoudt with the song “Brasa bo Cultura” second place went to Hubert Ras with the song “una dirección” and the absolute winner was Robert Maduro with the song “Laga Caya Papia”.

Festival Cantica Di Caya 3

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